HomeMy WebLinkAbout322343400180 V..r Flta No. . NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRIC!~.. -? 5 () SALE PRICE R~. Sc~~ Po,' P~O FPo II I 57 n'/l 'If) Charles Eugene Brown "'- /~ GJ 3 .L <k1u ..LL ,L ~ ~ v:r-jSf.!i... $2~:; 6~~:/0l ~ ~i'lg:Z1 r;rU cf! I 'iri _.L fa.....L 11... #"5/'799 - - - - -- - - - - - - - , - - -- - - - - -1- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - I - - - - - I , ----.""-'-'-..--...-..- ......- _ ..._______,:-____-;'__.._____~. ...__.. _________ __ _________.._____'~~-'. _c _.. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS V..r Oylter Timber Unlmprovad ImprOV6d TOTAL Oylt.r Tlmbar UnImproved Improved Improvemenb B. of E. (Bulldlng1) VALUE -..57 ----.L ';!~ .fd.5' ;<0 2S() ;J7o &. 1.4s- 1// !:: ..:20 /-'/l/) &;;J.O M 1,/[; / i'5 ~ 600 bOo ~ . 'r'? ~ 750 - ~d~ .14- /~/IJ ?"f2 t') - J.1i ~7-1.t:) /,,~5 ..:1""" c 2rL .~fl !H'f/ 0 ~tJ/t> 5"V.50 . .i1r/tPo !1.L S-5stJ .9"..30 I~ 1411~ -#/OdO b"~O 17?ho 11_ #: 13. . -~ ~y~t:> '-/b 2Z.. ~'r.. );1290 ,~"-330 ~ I.. tis- I.<<S- t"f/ioo ";<.;/)9, 7(,;''t~ ,g5' . {p () I.'!? 1/350 .2 3.!.~r( 'Ngso i , lOT BlK. . ~.__... " . 'fu)1- SEC. TWN, RGE. 'J ~,2..i?J'f.!.~ ,<{, O,I4J fl. _l.c;">; , . 22 , - Tr.18 of LJ:l t_ .3 l~, I ..., ".,. .' /Z ,. .. "" ,'j Beginning at a point 935' W of the SE corner of Lot 3; run thence N, parallel with the E line of said Lot, to the meander line; thence following said meander line in a Wly direction, making due W 55'; thence S, parallel with the E line of said Lot to the S line of said Lot; thence E on the S line of said Lot 55' to the place of beginning. "'.c;o'A_-, ~ .~_...."". 4; '. f' T/-f.. .If /--.1 ~ 3