HomeMy WebLinkAbout322343400010 Vear File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 3.!:>O SALE PRiCe - .~' Rd. Soh. Porl PUO FPo I---- - - - - - 'i2 Hubbard Tutti:. ~i 2 10 1 L - - - :5"2; Le 'l/1 n ..JA- b j)', v" rt. C/M..& .7;;;" ,.roA./ p v' ", yJD 4J"I -L L L .), )OD. - .".- " , - ./ if ..1.. !&i. ---I- --'- b.. .1L - f- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----411------------------------------------------------------------------------~------~~4It---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE 15"~ /. t./ 5 I. LIS Ao ~5"o ~o C, 9' c; 16J . SS.f/t /,I./S j. '-f.J- JlO ..2S 0 ~ ~/O (.,80 - ~ &:,:>1:: ~/) .e- /, -Iff:; /1'S oPt) '-&- .;; ScJ ~/~ h%O ..J .J '30\ 2l- ;[0 C"oo <I/O ~.Q.. - R"aJi=< " t,/l ~ /..;(; /.'1~ 600 -7"/ c> /0/ c) fnl $3'3 d- . /4<> /. t/b !:,ht? 035 /.;;J.9,.t;"" t-1.. I~ ~ R..::J~ '7~ /.L?t2.. - - J~ L/t')() 715 /R?.5:... - 10 5?>?n i~oo /$"4'0 :37~ l' a{l50 ~"'O 5s-/Sc ~ /QO~ 6f~~ 7'h40 /i':?'...M:> - /.1S1JtJ '7~?tJ ;;/LV9.tJ fJl /.~ /. 'is- -C;tJ 5t>t) /'?~ (,) ~97.to '15 .P3'1'j-l . <f~ /. 06 /. .,..s- 310 'is""d / ,?.--:;):) .55""/5""0 - lOT BLK. -- , /' SEC. TWN. RGE. !~Iz..ll.~~ ~--:i ~_~_q.O.!.lm ; . - - _.J... 22 1 Tr. 1 of Lot 3 & T.L. I .' Beginning at S. E. Corner of Lot 3; run thence N. on the E. line of said lot to the meander line; thenoe fol'owing said meander line in a Wly. directi0n, making due west 55ft. thence S. parallel with the E. line of said lot the S. line of said lot; thece E. on S. line of said lot 55 ft. to the place of begin--ging cant. 1.50 Acres mor~ or less App 7799 Tax All tl of the 2nd c in front of the followin~ desc In front of lot 1 sec 34-22-3 with front of 21.93 lc mil In front of lot 3 sec 34-22-3 with front of 20.59 lc mil In front of lot 4 sec 34-22-3 with front of 20.35 lc mil The seyeral desc together haye a total front of 62.97 lc mil all measured along the ml :e-- -. I I I I I I I I~ I I I . . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 8~ . 11f,,{' 33 loo .I.? .': "5..-;'-; I?t. .3S";J,(~d