HomeMy WebLinkAbout322327500150 CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS .3 10 _ Rd, -C!~:Jl?rtP~TfiiD"""l~- I I I , I I : 6 IL ; H " L' . , ' f--- i I ..L ' L!~__L~~ 'I tt SALE PRICE 5/80 .2I97'&. lii.J.Ull.m..E.... Coo I ey et a I ti: 2 404 8L8.lL_282J~4.L _ Gary B. Christ nSEn 3 rrv'it:::7'\ l; A: I' !II". 7'1.2_ 41!1.Cl.S ~Y_-".~,Ql' r-' ,)1 lltif./. #27001 #10362 H~~86 -...-..------- -- --_. _ ____._.l.. -. -_..f--_.- ---- -, -L -. NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS . t:, ,? () , Vear I Oyster I limb.r I Unimproved Improved TOTAL I I Oyster Timber I Unimproved Improved jlmPfo....m.nts r B. 01 E. {Buildings} VALUE & f-. S;~ 5:40 .3.t,LSo .f}~5o 8/ ;;:40 5.'fo II^ ,;(00 ~ /t,.,z 00 is. ... IS" /,;;r; 1.s"'1:2..0 - -- -- -- - -. .-- --- - - .-- --- ---- ----- --. -- - I -- ---. - --_.- ...- -.----- ----- f-- -- --.- .-. -- 1._- - ----- ---- -- --- '1-- ----- 1---. . --- 1/ ---- - - - / ----- - I 7 ! I [ I LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. RGE. !~~2..r2.'3'2.~7;S~d~1 '-sIal " 32 22 3 Tract 15 of Survey 5/59 /,:;Z/j .~ h _ /5' Commencing at the SW corner of 32-22-3W.W.M.; th NOlo 24' 34" W alg the W line of sd Section 32, 859.34'; th S 890 56' 28" E 1068.56' to TPOB; th N 030 03' 57" W 138'; th N 89037' 31" E 888.95' +- to the Wly r/w line of McReavy Co. Rd; th Sly alg sd Wly line 320' +- to the N l'lne of SW 1/4 SE 1/4 SW 1/4 of sd Section 32; th S 890 09' 13" W a I g sd N line 551.99' to the NW corner of SW SE SW sd Sect i on 32; th NOlo 32' II" W 63.58' tap on a curve to the right having a radius point which bears N 100 20' 13" E 200'; th NWly alg sd curve having a radius of 200' a central angle of 260 07' 51" and an=arc length of 91.21 '; th N 530 31' 56" W 63.99'; th alg a curve to the left having a radius of 200', a central angle of 360 04' 32" and an arc length of 125.93' to the TPOB. ~ J~ h/IZ-b . .~--. = et al: #413175 Gary B Christensen Bruce D Hancey ;f/~?<l7 -L('J et al: Wi I Ilam P. & ~pace Cooley ~ Norman Iverson Trustee of Iverson Trust Agmt ea as to an undiv. 1/2 into