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Y.., I Flle No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SS-O SALE PRICE Rd. Ioh, Port PUO FPO i~21e18 I- - 64 ltl. L. Gazzam 1.J.Duggan & 2 +04 1 6 ~ $16000 ,/)3 :!c;;lOA lJar1ath H.He eg 1an - - - - /,%, ?~/?t>S- }1rd, ~~ // /I J'( I <kI;.t ..L ~ .b... j{ r>- /,rj .2g,1!.it ~ ILdld.," ~ ~4t>:~7"'..5' m.. ,;II. ~o/.fl- }}./;"'..P If. I ~Iv-L " ,/ - 0.;? 'Z!-tJh hLJA)_ 1),,/'}. ~ "j ail Ian D " ,/ H3.:z100 ~ j7H/3 1l.4'!;!~J L ;/.( , :;>" "'300:, ~ IU 'J :s 7/";1 "'51 It v - - - - - - ~ - - - I- - - -, - - c-- - - - - - - - - / a:::- -- - ....~~. : ~ ,-~ -. ....... NUMBER OF ACRES r VALUATIONS &. !.~E. l- v,., Orde, TImber UnImproved lmprond TOTAL Oyll., Tlmb.r UnImproved Improved Impronm.nb (Buildings) VALUE ~ OX" /J , ~ ?,. 7'- ~1 'J.13 .:lO ~f./()O :J.{~ _ "- - .:25" 3/JOO :5de2S --- ~ 15.7-, - ~l ";;00 (f,pp4 (f,.:J.oo '1P If//J I ~_()".O J;:J.f/c. '1'1 -- 9.350 9~ '!i . /00' :?c J,p?oo /.R~15 'Xl 1r Ii t:" 7C, ,37 7/3 /5:2 /Joo 15,;l.()or. ~ 6,Zi- T;t.-. !),/3 ';<-00 7,13 /'1'5/30 I 'f .s; Be) ~ - - 11 22 ." o Tract 2B-l or--GQv't"'Tbt""'2-&'"""l'alc-l0C)6A-l & ] 2'i"4A~ LOT aEO. BLK. TWN. ROE. , ,t.. / ,~ " "'llIIIlI Beginning at a point S 1016' E <94.99' from a point on the N line of Lot 2 S 88044' W JOO' from E t corner of sec tion ~1' thence S 1016' E ,189.20" thence S 88 44' W 825.81' to meander line of Rood Canal; thence N.12004150" E along meander line 400'; thence N 88044' E 7~3 .47' to 1. P.. -- ~::-:-..- .~.-'A~ fA .~/w .....''---- ~..'.....