HomeMy WebLinkAbout322311370581 Y.:; I -FiI.,NO. -r----+-..-----N~ME of OWNER s/7q .3.6..:N33_rP-'lJ.lLHun:te.r: ~ --1--._---- ---- CONTRACT TO ___-..!~~~'CTS 8_50 Rd. '~i!~ PU~! fPO I I I I I , I I 2 04 I I 6 I L i H I ___.2L.L 'M:i __ _lJk_ [LJj{I__ tlL SALE PRICE -- #63580 -- -- _._---1---- --..-_._------ -... ----- --f-------..--- -----".---- -- .. -- ---- ~. NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS -'. -L Yea, I Oyster TImber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL r L Oyster Timber Unimproved Improyed Improyements 8. of E. {BuildinQs} VALUE '1!1- !!L~~f!.. S'M Gba rl /00'1":) /000 ~ 1'I-.f~l...( '"' I tPP c) /' tPCJ Q - - -. . - -- ---- --.- I -- -- .--- --- -- 1__- --- .. '-~ .. -- -- ---- - - -- -_.- ----- - r- - ---- -- -. I ! 31 22 3 i~]igfi!l Tax 1158-B LOT SEC. IIlK. TWN. RS" /.~~'7, 1 AI I tidelands owned by the State of Washington including that ptn of vacated State Oyster Reserve NO.2, Plat No. 135, situate in front of, adjacent to or abutting upon that part of Lot I, Section 31, Twnshp 22 North, Rge 3 West, W.M., included in Blks 13, 22, 23, 24 and 25 and the S 1/2 of Blk 12 of Hood Canal Land & Improvement Co. Plat of Union City, having a frontage of 14.82 I ineal chains, +-, excepting therefrom al I that ptn lying Eiy of Skokomish River Channel. . . ".- .-.-. ..--'-'" -......... . Y.., File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO D1smICTS SALE PRICe Rd. &~fort PUD FPD t ~ William J.. Coyle 2 1 L ~ 1#- .L /".; L - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; , - - - - - - - - --- -e.-- - ---- --- ------ --- n~___ ------- ------:---:-- -.- -.-_-- ::'_: - -~.: - -- --- - - - - - -;. -:.: _:. - - - -.::.- --- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster TImber UnImproved Improved lmprovemenb B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE. 5'3 j.JbL .. ..3q 3a S9 /71 , A. .~ ? d"~' r-: j~ ~ 51ft. ~".~ ~ :L V'/ , ~~ , LOT SEC. BLK. TWN. ROE. ~31 22 3 Tax 1227 ;.;;jjjji ,.. "'lIIIIII ^.pp 11249 All tl of the 2nd c in front of that part of govt lot 1, see 31-22-3 included in lot 3 & W ~ of lot 2, block 2, plat of Union City & the W 22~ ft of lot ~ all of lot 4 & the E 30 ft of lot 5 block B & portion of vac Canal St lying between said portions of block 2 & block B with a frontage of 1.36 lc mil '-".'.- . ~ . -----_.~ -.M' V... File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISmlCTS BALE PRICE Rd. Soh. Port PUO FPO - - - - ~ w. L. Gazzam 2 10 1 - .lL ;2 ..L/IL/. L 12- b - - - - - - - - - I- - - I- - - - - - - - - - - - ----~-~~:_-~~~~--_:_-~_:_-----:---_:_--;-~-~-------~~---~_:_-_:_----------;--~_.~::~.~~--- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improy~ Improvemenh B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE 7.3 . 7'1) ~. ;2..0 ,Ao ~D r) - c-- , LOT BlK. r I i '1 1 Jl a I '. l I SEC. TWH. ROE. >-3.l 22 3 Tax 12'5J... ,......v /~ ,....<~ .... ~ App 11585 All t1 owned by the St of Wash, including that portion of vac situate in front that part of lot 2 sec 31-22-3 W.M. included Sixth St of the plat of Union City ,1Tith a frontage of 0,.94 Ic :...- .....-.:._--.~c>-.._- . .~~-~ .., St Oy R in vacated mil .;~~