HomeMy WebLinkAbout322282100100 Y.., File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TD DISTRICTS ~S"1 SALE PRICE Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD - - - - <;? Il~~~~1. W. D. . . V , , /I 2 20 T l. L ..:hL. rit1t1 oJ et ux '-P . - 53 148459 II tI ~ ;'?2v. . .;' "~rr/ f-- J? /7/2.J3 j) ~,., . I' {) " oF .~?Jo"', 1,.,0 /,j).'713 .., t7~ -J;;. ,~- .... p"" /y)'? ., " - - - - - - ~'7,f".50, ':P AI '''''''''/:2- -ti/, ..1, .Jj 7u . /J #-, , " " i-- &'0 IJ .f..< 7'9' ~ ^ .Jl: 61;;. / : -#-. / OS/;zJ . /)717> , ~ I-- - iftth 3/10/4 / ./. -:?, +11J~7IJ,' ,;{. ~.;20 T 3 S' L I:-H '13, .p. "'" "-< 'f D"~ .. . .f/7f 351UJ ,/,c:;, lL o,.-j- "'-" I~ T ;I f(~ a- fp;l"lt>7 dL 3 ...1. L 71'300 . I/jJ 'hV,j I .!-ILOI. I. ."/-' L, , " ...p;:. 7/C,C,tJ 33?-';<Jg ~ 4.?{ ,,, n e~r - SI ~ 1.. L .3 X- l:.. Ji. - - - - - - - - - - - - . =---e. ______n_____~__ _________ :_:_n____ _____________ ____ _: _:_ _ ___ __ _ __ h_.- _-:..' _ __ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oy.br TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster TImber UnImproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE b?' I, to ,f; /,t, ;; go ";<"6c:> $loa / a.J>cJ S} ,3 7/), j,CS" /.&,S go ~()O - .:2 J/.:<.O .;< 700 l5Z .17/ I.(!. --e- /. t, ."J / ,k .f( R() --GJ--- 200 ,.,2/j.:J. 0 ;;z.7otJ . f5i- Xo 3/':<0 ':?c/;20 S6;l.o !.tl 3.7/./; /,&'5- 1,&'5 ~ ,3/.;10 .;2f;2L) {:)fi~() I~/ 37'/:I'.t. /hb- /.f.~ 8/';?'O .3795 f-C::9/5' It, (" 3/.:1D .51Jf5 ,... Rd'/.,S- . l.t.t ~ ("f:b 3700 btt<<~ i.^......~ It." , ~POL) G:6dl6 //~I!) 16// 4R~o ~.;z/ tJ /)'tJ/~ ~b 9d.o/) ~.a ....., ""'........ 11/ . ~i1aaO /~fo 3~l13G I ~..1. V/IJM) ~R/i/<" ~?A"; '1 , ~l'l'~ ~oo 3?.:V " J'6<<1a 1 59?"d 314;t> 96'3~t) LOT BlK. , . _.oc.\;. TV" ~zI pi zl J~it..!()lo.l ...+ .N. RGE. ~ 22 3 Tr. 10 of Lot 3&. T. L. -7'OY~ "... ~""lIIllI Two tracts of apland and tidelands adjacent thereto situate in gov lot 3, 28-22-3 as follows: Bgn at' the NE corner of lot 2 of the Vac. plat of Laurel Beach on the Sly margin of the Co Ro as now constructed which pnt is S 00 10'26" E 998.70' and N 79030' W 582.30' from the t corner common to see 21 and 28-22-3 Thn S 22016'25" W along 90' more or less to the Thn N 81018'35" W along same Thn N 56018'39" W approximately 160' to the SW COrner of lot 5 of said plat Thn N 22016'25" E 79.08' between lots 5 and 6 to the NW corner of said lot 5 on the Sly margin of said Co Ro Thn SEly along said Co Ro to IP which is S 67043'25" E 240' from "said NW dorner of lot 5 ( comprising lots 2 to 5 in elusive of the Vac plat of Laurel Beach. . Also a parcel of land lying" of the Co Ro desc as follows: Ogn at the NE corner of said lot 2 of said plat of Laurel Beach Thil N 220l()l25" E 215' Thn i, 67043'35" W 240' Thn S 22016'25" W 215' to the NW corner of lot 5 said, plat Thn along the SE margin of the Co Ro 240' more or less to the NE "..com7r of said lot 2 and ttie IP (..comp~isingall of tract 12 and .~,. ,- - . porHons'-of-trac1;-s-l-l-and--j:-) dlld ",apie-1-ane-of-mrta--pl":Tttrleo .~;.:::- a portion of govt 3 lying outside the v~cated plat/ the line between lots 1 and 2 of said U.S. ML along the North Shore of Hood said ~L 85' more or less to angle pnt plat Canal in ~ ~?'~--I?" .2. 1&+ aL c'~- - l~l~:] ~ ll~j}lp I~;l!/ 9W~ vfI- 4.l-, .r.;..t~-.......I ~ .~- c__'''__.___ ~ _,---. LLU I I I -. Y." I 0,.... NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyder Timber Unimproved I Improved Impro'l'emonh B. of E. (Bulldinq.) VALUE 7 3.7i;# - u:...~ ;'f"S I'Itft>tJ() ~t/;;J.() /97'1"-6 1. e.o 5'9'''0 ~f/O 963~(SJ i.J.. :30J>ooo L3;21,,2$ .lf4a 1;25 - . --- - f:- - i