HomeMy WebLinkAbout322281400012 DISTRICTS ~"'5'7 , Y..r FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE ! Rd. Ich. Port PUD FPD #l?OhR Aur"'t: - - -5JL Rllsworth C. Stalev 2 20 T 3 ~ $5500 Doucet e '[; 771,..,4 .L - .EL /fJl1f/ " ~ ,~,n/_ 1ff,'!..F .,rr./-.J- /.L-l TT-- ",-.7 /r;;j Uf-. --1 /J;!?i'1, ' ~ - !;?1,;?.?a1 r g ! ~ ,.. /7"'7,f' 'j.," , .;10 3 /<<"''''u. -6L ~tlS" 17""''' ...... 121 L IL , "JI-~ .J JO tfJ.J ,-" p 7!P;"" .....LL // d I. .J.. L- , li.L 1<<::;1740 ?f 11l) 'k. ii 81 1- 4o~ 1'/ s.... !L l- lL A'nJr , I w'c7/NiA :'i-Rlfr! . 0/8''''- 1&'171 1/ {/;. 9"~ YbO! uw " /)}LJ "Wi 'I <ltf'1.f5" it.'. . ~;;(.} '/ l:i tloY.Gl.75'(P, (/ -- - .., - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - , o .___._::-::-:~..:___:..--..::._~_ :':._.,.-~---_____':"_.:-:______~~.::__:____ __-..__-:,_:': ___._o_~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Y.ar Oyattt Timber Unlmprovtd _ Improv-.:i TOTAL Oyd.r Timber UnImproved ImproYld Improvemenh B. of E. ; (Buildings) VALUE 5f' . /% .;1 .!To ;;Joe; ~5'o EJ- ,/s , / g ;<cJ CJ .!loc; 500 , &/ ,/ f . /R ~~CJ tit, s- gr;,s- hlJ tJoo 575" <j7S- if ~~;;t ,5'p () . 7.2~ /t:2~t') A A~ ,07_ I()~() , : / t/-t/ t) dI 2!- /;(),tJl) /;Y4 ~'Ito ! ~ I.I"...~ ~57:J) .:1..575 L""!!P ~r iJ~ L~.<O~ l57"s-o . ~"'"- , , '1(.. .solla $(.S:D /tJ'Sb ~ .If .J~ 10,"" IG"?I:Jl> M ~/... , ao 0000 ~~ /66s"a : tJ- /"z 7tJO / /37tJ .;?-'!tJ 70 ; I LOT BlK. lEG. TWN. ROE. 1'~ 1 /';.. I .. ?? 'l 'T',.. , .1'l R,. .;.....~ '1'_ 1 '" .#" -:l '" 1 ~ , Beg at meander corner to fractional sections 27 & 28 (which is S 0006' W 1721.3' from the corner to secs 21,22,27 & 28; running th N 0006' E 86' to SE corner and initial point of tract hereby described; th continue N 0006' E along sec line between secs 27 & 28, 120'; th W 66.84'; th S 0006' W, 120 to a point which is due W of initial point; th E to initial point. subject to an easement for private roadway across the W 7~' thereof. Also: 1/6 interest in - . Tr. l-F Beg at meander corner of frac secs 27 & 28 (which is S 0006' W 1721.3' from corner to secs 21,22,27 & 28; th N 0006' E 206' to SE corner and I.P. of tract hereby desc; run th due W 66.84'; th N 0006' E 17.29' to SEly margin of existing North Shore Road; ,th N 5P51' E 85.11' along SEly margin to an intersection with the line between secs 27 & 28; th S 0006' W along sec line 69.80' to I.P. ...-''':. ..--..,.--~- .'...-.' - ~ ...~. ... ,.ef cJ. ,'- j < ., 1... ',,~ r" "7 . .'7/ .. .,: J...... ,ij, .d .,.: l< L~ ~.~ . "? ","-I' "S<<A, r / t 7?s '-'::"~l ~ .:# 'i<j 397', ,>J 'L,,( ." -/I,,J; ,S . t; (. ('. 5 ? /.( ...:J ut-...... ' /0 y '" 6 ~:..... U~,,-,,,, ..:4:L!rt,' ~<) r", cXe./, -r,'