HomeMy WebLinkAbout322281400011 V..r File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO l-\..r 11 J.U. -4-S# 11"<:9 <<:"''''rl''t-h r. ..5:LJlii?J jA~ ,;J / /i . ~ St':'11 PV r,qnk ~-,;-,/~ / ... PRYS =- ' ," .... .. ...-.- --.-..--.--.-----.-.-.-.....---- . .0 .'~'.' f . ... ." "" ~ DISTRICTS ..:?s9 Rd. Soh. Port I~ FPD __ .2...?() 'f'", .l.c. _ I-----~ ,;J.;z.o r 3 ,f' L- ffL ;? 011 '/3 J.. L Ii Sf L f/Q.J. 'I ,.L.tf....Lli -I-- -1----;--1-- --I-- -1--- ---- SALE PRICE ,\ ::.>5,500. . ,. ,. '. -------------~-----------~----~ ~--~~ , .~", . .~ . . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Vier Orster Tlmb.r Unimproved improved TOTAL Ordtr Tlmbtlr Unimproved . Improved Improvements B,ofE. (Bulldlnlll) VALUE st //I:J -It" ,/7 ./7 20 so 300 370 i}"",Y /,DZt.C, . // . I;? 20 JO 2tO 3.3 0 B- ~ ,/7 ,/ 7 ~ 0()O ;L~o f'tf:,o Jil ,/7 .17 #0 Sib 9S-~ ~ ~ S6tJ i"~~ //:1cJ ?'.>'\ l!: "(j'?(l' // ()-tJ /.2:/6 :J.3.f~ 11 //()() /MtJ .ii13?tJ U. d/7SCJ /~~S" ~"'/5' . ?" Itd. 5500 .;193 f!{) .Py30 'it. /3/S8 3t~o /',P/tJ ~ ,/7 . /I'J 1tJ{,.{,5 Sb/5 /5',""..1 (! 0' /.'J/' sa 3~t:.o /~,pl'a ..i2o /,;2 7/}o /.3505 Y/....2tJ"., , ' ~<{;olo~ , 'fR. I-A01<' LOT land . :1/6 into Tr. l-F LOT BLK. Ul:. TWN. RGE. ?8 ?? 3 .LIIIP ~ Beg. at the meal/der corner of 'fr8ctional ~ec. 27-28 (whicb is'S. 00060 ". 1721,3 Ft,. f'~nr:l ~hle ,$;~rner to ~pcs. 21,22,27,28. run thn S 0006'hereby /{/. ..0.''','' ".,it, "<rbo' 'fi i'~",r.!,r.d~s",' ~ . ' S .. ~.; Thn. . 0 . al.on"" the tne ec. l~ne between ec. 27.28, 100 ft. S. 820 v,. 67.5 ft. N,"'oo06' ~. 109.29 ft. tc (j point whic!' is due W. from the initial point; ~. to said initial point. Subj.~to Ease. Also Tr. l-F (1/6 int.) "'" _ Beg at meander corner of frac secs 27 & 28 \whTch is S 0006' "ltl 1721.3' from corner to secs 21,22,27 & 28; th N 0006' E 206' to SE corner and I.P. of tract hereby desc; run th due W 66.84'; th N 0006' E 17~'29--'-----to SE:j.y margin of existing North Shore Road; th N 5P51' E 85.11' along"SlUy margin to an intersedtion with the line between secs 27 & 28; th S 000&' W ,along see line 69.80' to I.P. .. ~- - ~ --- ~....~ "....~ . ~.. ._~- ---;-