HomeMy WebLinkAbout322281400010 Year Fill No. I NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ~b9 SALE PRICE , / / Rd. Sch. Port [PUO :~~ - i53600 . _. ,~ 2 53 Ellsworth C. Staley et uk 20 L~ G3 If? f~ f ..I; 4 1( A._ .T, It'_ cd.. .2<>-<~5 - - ~ If <"~,., ./;L ~~;(3,), ~;/. ~, J<AA/ 9;1~ tf ;;< 2Q. 1/ ,:;; zr L ~ ::J tM L ..L .L .L .fL ?If I 46.1 17 ..1.. L L j{ I - - - - - - - - - - =1== -- - - - - - - - - 1- - - - - I ~-~~~ '~ _.___-.c=-...-_-_ ~--"'"''_'''_..;....---=___....-__... ~-___...______~,.,'-----... ~ 'ox NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS - ./ Yeu Oyster TImber Unlmprovld Improv.d TOTAL Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved Improveme"h B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE 2.L 2.04 1 .C. 1.30 1.30 40 100 1$40 198C 2lL.. 2.04 1 .C. 1130 1.30 40 100 2500 264C 55 2.04 L .c. 1.30 1.30 40 100 2470 2610 ~ 2.04 I .C. --- 1.30 1.30 40 - 100 2470 26lC 5i' !,a.J.j (J 1,/3 /,15 20 /00 -217D 2;2 70 U /0;1/:1) ,'/5" / 'l ;;r ,;2.0 cPO /%70 / '7/j(:J EL ::J ot./ 'i It, , (;0 I ,~o -.-!/... 0 /170 g~5 !70~ Je.Q ~, ot/-.t. ,(p 0 , 11Q. C? !J7 () /6/0 ;L/j l' () iR.L :?'tJc,I :f.t!. ,k ,"0 fO ~ /b/C d-WiJ - /~o ) clGS" dJ.,j165" Jd. J 100 / J/?,c' 3;2&,.0 .6ie. J </ ()-O :J 9 05' t,:. :305 !dto.. ..:;;.. I-j /,z..,/) ....:J~\.1C ,?:1'X'o a . /97'5 , 'I i-J/J '1Ll5 ;,,1 ,~!?/A ,.3;;/ /35" / b 7,,':: ~? ::?d 5qo5 ./ d _' ,... '-"' 'lOT~- Bt:tf: SEC. TWN. RGE. S> , ?I/)S~ .:... 2$ 22 3 - -..- Tr. 1 of Lot 1 & T. L. * ..,.. ...... ,~-' T , ~ Deed;Number_150966 Beginning at tre meander corner tu frac. secs 27 & 28, which is S 0006' W 1721.3' from corner to Secs 21, 22, 27 & 2$; run thence S ~006' W alon~ the sec line between secs 27 & 28, 143.1'; thence S 820 W 135', to the SW corner of a tract of land heretofore conveyed to Staley's and the initial point of t!'is description; run thence N 14051' W 284.4' to the SEly rr/w line of existinr; North Shore road; thence N 510 51' E along said R/W 10' to the N~ corner of said tract heretofore conveyed; trence S 13002' E 2$8.5' along the Wly line thereof to the initial point. Deed Number 143600 Beginning at,meander corner to frac. sec. 27 & 28, which is S 0006' w 1721.3' fron corner to secs 21, 22, 27 & 28; run thence S 0006' W, along the Sec line between secs 27 & 28, 143.1'; thence S 820 N 135'; thence N 13002' W 2$8.5' to the SEly margin of existing North Shore road; run thence N 51051' E along,SEly margin, 253.6' to see line between secs 27 & 28; t~ence S 0006' W along sec line 275.$' to point of beginning. ~ ~,.,. - --- .' ~ . -'. .~..... -,'" ~ \ ."::"--- . -- - .~ . ...,-..::. *Ex. Tr. l-A & T.L. Ir, 1.8-G-E r~1 IF _I .L -e--=- --. -: .. 11111_1 '- . ~' ~ NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS Yea, I Ovst.r I Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyster Timber Unimproved I Improved !lmprovemllnh I B. of E. (8uilding$) VALUE ?a . "I/~~- ,3:;- ,.35\ .5. r-~ 3350 ~!/da 9?jP.c 7/ '//i Y'.o h~.3a 3~J',1 ?~ ,., "" 7A'{,/J /f/9/Ja IJ:J. .J gl'~.4l i.f.o.tt k~"'" /L//.,E /_..,9... A 'It.) . ,V.-..1 fJ /~?SZ> UL Ill. l5~a , 31jL~ ~ ... ",1 <In "'~ . ::?'5"" ~r /.:)5"46 ''J?79S- ,;~ eo ;S-~ ~7~.<< "Y:J7~S tJ. -/(;;.$0 '7(0 'is JL( '13</.5 :/. "-- - ~'\