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Vlar f'1I1 No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ,;) ~ q Rd. Soh. Port PUO FPD I- 2 20 T l_..k..-L ;;< 2.0 T 3 g L t:'h ;< 013 T 3 g L- 1/ if .L/k;~I'T 31p LlL SALE PRice ~ William Duthie' 10/15 8oq~J5 1'1j)~ ,~ jy .u~ !$L NIJ/S$ Ji h-PFC76 JJurH/e /t'.{fV ifL/0/J&, '1 F7f>3o g:, , - --I-- I-- - -I-- -- I- -I- ----I- --."~----:'--_:------------------'--7-- ------------- -------- - ---- ----------.::.-:..--~.-;.>--- I . '. . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS v.., Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oysler Timber Unimproved Imprond ImproYltmenb B.ofE. (BulldlnllS) VALUE 5J .33 ,33 ''-1-0 /30 SOe) (,,7cI .D /'((01. I .33 4"0 /.30 - 0-<6 790 ~ Ij4~. C --r.J- ,3.3 ,33 ~o .4- /30 tf::J.() 7:7CJ &. 7'0 /1't,0 ~1d> ds;;lo In;: /, 90./. ~ ,33 .33 ~ / ffh CJ ' /:;;<.0 .:2'/1'0 I!!L /. 'It) II f> .33 .33 ~~7?' '79'5 ?,ogs L- ~ .... ~Z ~"?"€ 9~ 3:,p~() d.. 3.5/'.5" ~?5 ~5;7a 2B- !~ I:o?- 7/5'a / 9f,t; ~~~ " , 0 /;'.!ho /990 /2~?0 74- ~ I /q~~" as.3tJ /~,J?3() '/~ 1I6D'%" b??~o .5iJ~CJ ,g",//- !JJ,. ~tJ.5'M /" /1{,tJ ~/.s~ ~ I~A, C""A_ /34.fn .,-....- [,4;'(1 -3$ ..33 595bo ~* . LOT, BLK. SEC. TWN. -'0 .... ?O ?? 1 '~~1 ~JJI ~()~dO'/~~f Tr. 1 of Lot 1 & T.L. .t,IOGU ROE. r- .......J ,j ,.' ,JJ I Tr. 1 I Bein~ part of Lot 1, Sec 29-22-3 begn at the N~ cor of Lot 1 S 6301~' W 226.28 ft to a pt on the shore of Hoqtl Canal; thn N 143.33 ft; thn E 303.20 ft, mil to the place of begn. With TL ....- '.. '.- . "-' of Sec 29; thn 44050' W adjoining same. -- _.. -- . . '--"-'--~_.~---'--""'~ ~---~. ~--~- - -- -' --L-L ~...~ -L----'-~<~R OF ACRES Year I Oyster Tlmbtr I Unimproved Improv.d 1ft 1.1A..~ '----. iL ---- .33 I TOTAL I ,33.; ___1-___.... -.-- --'- -.--- ---1-- .--.- ---- Orlfl!' Timb.r u u ., VALUATIONS Impro....ments (Buildln9') B. of E. VALUE Unimproved Impr:)....d 3b$.,a IB#b tJ39J'C> /,f'.;2?-so. .l,;lJ't,O ,,2d.5 110