HomeMy WebLinkAbout322273280791 Y.:;' -I -File ~'-r--M-"'-'._--'.--N~~ o"'~----- I . '~_ONTRACT TO Rd~ ! Sch. i P?rt ~~~~_~~~s I 2f9 210385 p8155 J ! : : . .Q2......_2J.P386 John W. Hu_son et ux ~~ 2 403 T 3 U~__L~_~H i 2L8JL51Jz6~ 8fghD....R. Huson et al (seebaCkL5UUVJ1-Lt~3 I"LLKI L i H' _________________ _______ I - I ------1----.----- '---- SAlE PRICE #867-68 ' #67118 f------- -- ----f---.- -- - ~-- .; ~ ~~- ---- - - ~ Ye.u I Oyster NUMBER OF ACRES I I YALUATlONS - .- Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber I Unimproved Impr~ved Improvlmonh (BulldinQs) B. of E. VALUE 7'1 [r --1--- '?"b 700 ?oa 700 : . ---f----- -. -.----.--- C-_ -- I I___~ -~ : ~--: I : : --- ----- --- -- ------- -- LOT SEC. BlK. TWN. RGE. I ! ~z.~ 7~3~z~ B '0 !7J~fj] - ----. Tax 279* --- 112 i nt. 1/../97.: 1 , 27 22 3 -. *Except: Tax 279 A, B & C Tax 737 Tax 747 et al: John R. Huson, Ind. undiv. 1/3 into Dona 1 d R. Huson 11 11 Helen F. Smith Olson" " -.---~ I DISTRICTS V.., Flit No. I NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE Rd. Soh. Port PUDIFPol 56 I \'Ii 11 iam W. Manier wa.lt.er 20 11 Jp- de Lorig 2 ..L __1- /Joo, - / t , I, .' / J4 g.......,..."~.... J}.,.."k1~~'~'" I I ~('.r '~ I' ,J". . "'-<.,..IIJA '-- - - - - 71/(iJ~&t7' ~/~ ,f I .r;/ '1::27025_ '-- - - - - - - - - - - v - - - - - '-- - - - - -- - I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .""'~' .,. . ,.. "" ---_....~=--------_..._._-=--=---- oJ.~" ~ .. 01_ -.h~_ NUMBER OF ACRES YALUATlONS Vur Oyder Timber Unlmptond ImprOVltd TOTAL Oydtr Timber Unimproved Improv.cl IlmprOVlmenh 8. of E. (Buildings) VALUE ..5.Q.. 12.33 12.33 120 120 51 I/' (,,).. //,,;,;{ //0 //0 ..2.2i. .< 1'1 .5-.77 ,.jy- ,--.5y ~ .5;/.y .7-:/-/ YS- 4~ 5% 3/ ,( ,$./ ,f ;2:;- ;;?5" r;1) ~ C"'I j LOT BLK. ----- lEe- TWH. RGE. a:o:rn ~ i I IT1 27 22 3 Tax 279-C ./ x: . :t7'1e-l-/ (I ..3,..-r~ .... V..r FII, No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS :;:;;-'1 SALE PRICE Rd. $ch. Port I pu~ FPO . -1--- -XL 171210 Arnold C. Berry ex ux 2 20 .r:-1..~_~,..,... 400.00 ~ :m 91-u.-f't- ,;2 .;2.0 I dLL~ I~ ~3 2. 3 L ~ f! - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - I-- - - - - - - - - - -.,.. . ~. . - - ------- - ---...--- --- ---, . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS y"r Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyshr Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemenb B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE :$I! .7/ .7/ /0 /cJ ~ <'A' "7 /.5 /5 , - &.1 -'. - -- , ~- -,.....: LOT SEC. BlK. TWN. RGE. 0:0] { ~ ; :_~~J TAX 279C-1 '! . ~ ~ ....27 22 . 3 r- le2D Page 205 '~ All that portion of a certain tract of tidelands of the second-class, suitable for the cultivation of oysters, containing 9$.47 acres, formerly owned by the State of Washington, originally conveyed by the State of Washington to James W. Edmunds by deed recorded in Vol. e of 0.1., page 12, which lies between the Northwesterly and South- easterly lines of Tract 29, plat of Tahuya Waterfront Tracts on Hood Canal, according to the recorded plat thereof in the' office of the Auditor for said County and State, Volume 4, of Plats, page 11, extended Southwesterly, excepting therefrom, however, the Northeasterly fifty (50) feet thereof, particularly described as follows: COMJ~ENCING at the meander corner to fractional Sections 27 and 34, Township 22 North, Range 3 West, W.M.; ttence following the Govt. meander line North 470 West 9.21 chains; thence North 50~0 West 9.55 chains to the initial point of this description; thence following said meander line North 49~0 West 14.34 chains, more or less, to an intersection with the South line of Govt. 10t 3, Section 27, Township 22 North, Range 3 West, \'l.1';., extended West; thence \1est to the inter- section of said line with the Southwesterly line of said Tract of second-class tidelands conveyed by the State of Washington to said James W. Edmunds and recorded in Volume $ 0.1., page 12, records of Mason County, Washington~ thence Southeasterly, along said South- westerly line of said oyster land tract, to a point due West from the initial point; thence East to said initial point, excepting therefrom, however, such portion thereof, if any, which lies below the line of mean low tide. ;.:...~.. ~-'". ~-~-~ ~.~ .." '> " );0- .... " V..r Fill No. I NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRICEl . Rd. Ich. portlpUo~ - - ..,51L Wil1 j am.Jv. Manier Walter 10ri h- 20 1-1__ 1 noo. ..ci1::.. /7..."0 Jf I " " 1.Tm F~~t; -A il?", ?<:s:l, ".IV '7.5~?ffl fOJo .' . :/'1. 0-1:. /, 0,':'; .J/ 1~~c<56'9' . '. .t--t V' e-- - - - - - - - - '-- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - I. - - - - e-- -- - - - - -I ~- . ~."- .- -. ....---. --- " -. . . ..~7-~-.-:-----:-7---:-..,...-~-.-_.::.-:~.--_:_.:.__.:_--.;___- NUMBER OF ACRES r VALUATIONS - Vur Oyster TImber Unlmprovtd 'mproVlld TOTAL Oysbr Timber Unimproved Improved jlmprovlmenb B. of E. (Bulldlnga) VALUE 58- 5.63 5.(,3 'i'i 55 .La ::") :.-:- , LOT BlK. .-_..-.A. --- ------ lEe. TWN. RGE. 1..TI 27 22 3 TAX. #279-C-2 ,. ,. , AFFID. # 12583 Por. of ~ Tr. of T.L. suitable for the cultivation of oy~te s cont. 98.47 ac. conveyed by the State to James cdmmunds in vol. 8 0.1. Page 12, lying So. of the So. line of gov. lot 3, extended W. to the westerlt line of said oyst er land Tr. and NW of ~ line running S. 49030' w. from the Sw. corner of Tr. 26 of the plat of lahuya Waterfront Trs. Thn. to westerly line of oyster Tr. Exc. the Easterly 50 ft. thereof as measured at ri~ht angles to the meander line . -,,;..:--- _ _--:-- ._ ___ __ _ _ ____" __R _ _~'....."""'-_. ~ Yur flle No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRICEl Rd. Soh. Port PUDIFPD - - - - ---2..!L William ~r. Kanier Via ter Lorie- 2 20 T. L r-- -1. - 58 175385 II II Wm. D.Fountain $400 ;-:;-;.f!S '"') E- (~_oA7::;,I':'O _ r:.-f~1.#.h~ ~# '/7",.... I, ~..~i'. - - .- . - - f-- - - - - - - . - - - -- -.. -- - - ~ - - - I- - - - - - - - - - - -- -- ~-~-"'~----.--~":""_-';"- ~------~...._----------~-:-- --------:.:--------.--: --- -- ~ "::,.---' NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Yllr Oyder Tlmbr. Unlnlproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved ImproV*i ImproYflmenb a.of E. (BulldlnDs) VALUE ~ .85 .85 10 10 . /,0 -=- [:J ~ - - . I i LOT SEC. BLK. TWN. ~. RGE. .. 27 22 3 Tax 27Q-C-< ,...- \' All that portion of a certain tract of tidelands of 2nd class suitable for cultivation of oysters which lies in front of Tract 28 of Tahuya Waterfront Tracts and lying between the NWly and SEly line of said Tract 28 extended SWly to an intersection with the Wly line of Oyster land tract excepting therefrom the Ely 50' as measured at right angles to the meander line. ~;-;... _._--~_._--_._---~ _d~ Vlar FIle No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRICE Rd, Sch. Port I PUO I FPO I- -2.2...... 17 <;},.Ol, William vl.' 'Man~r W 1 t,p.r T,,.,,..;,, 2 20 -12__ L )l.Y//oL/ - '~-L'--, 'J/JoJlZ.., j - - - - I-- - - - - - - - I-- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -' - - - - - - --. " ,-----~-----_____________________.:.n-. NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS V..r Oyatlr TlmlMr Unlmprov.d Improved TOTAL Oystllr Tlmbu I U.lmpro'''' Improvtd IlmPfOVOmllntl B.of E. (Buildings) VALUE -5..2. .96 .96 10 10 (.,,0 (~ -e- '1 i LOT IEC. BLk. TWN. RGE. ....27 22 3 Tax 27Q-C-4 r ~ "" , All that portion of a certain tract of tidelands of 2nd class suitable for cultivation of oysters which lies in front of the SEly ~ of Tract 27 of Tahuya Waterfront tracts and lying between the NWly and SEly line of said tract extended SWly to an intersection with the Wly line of Oyster land tract.except Ely 50', therof. .,-,. ~~ <<- --- ~. --- - -.':,;, V.., FII. No. I NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRICE:' Rd. Soh. Port PUDIFPD~ .:1: -- 59 William W. Manier W lter Lorig 2 20 3 L - ~ 17<;1,0<: " n J hn D. Cole ...2k. /7.5Ms Q,J .R, e tt-YP - ../fA.. - - - - IF - - - '--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -.--_.:_- - -~~- - - -------n~.r_7"~'r:,; -- :-:-- -- - --- --- ----- - ---- ------- --.:. ~ -- -- - '"1.'- -- ~ , , ~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Ynr Oy.tlr TImber U"lmproved Improved TOTAL Oyder Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved !Improvemenb B. of E. (BuildIngs) VALUE 59 1.00 1.00 10 10 C,o -e- ~ , , LOT SEC. BLK. TWN. -... ROE. ... 27 22 ., TRX ?7Q_C_<; , "", All that portion of a certain tract of tidelands of 2nd class suitable for cultivation of oysters which lies in front of the ~lly ~ of Tract 27 of Tahuya Waterfront tracts and lying between the NWly and SEly line of said tract extended SWly to an intersection with the Wly line of Oyster land tract except Ely 50', thereof. -:.~;-;. - ------"~. - - ~- .;7' Year Flit No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRICE Rd, Ich. Port PUD FPD -'-- - - 60 Walter Lorig et al 2 20 T 3 L (,,0 'f), ~ <L :1'.,..+ =d /5""t..5t - ~.;J..oo. v - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .~ '" ., ~''''.' :. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Ye.r Older Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Tlmb.r UnImproved Improved Improvllmflnh B.ofE. (Buildings) VAl.UE .1& /0 /a - 100 ...... ~ -- - LOT BEe. BL.K. TWN. -- ROE. ... 27 22 1 T~~ 27QCA ~ ?7QC7 J ./ ...,j