HomeMy WebLinkAbout322272290110 ,... Short Plat #12 ""I Ynar File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS e>r7s9' SALE PRICE Rd, $c"-.IPort PUD fPD ~ 3/74 r-., #38721 287274 Oscar H, Werner et ux 'I(.J 2 40 T 3 8 L H '-- 't~o _ n 1- I<M; T .~ .9 f If! \ -. NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS ~ '. - - - - ~.- Yur I Oystor Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (Buildingt) VALUE 1:3 ,~ .41"0 If so ~o n5""o 'N 1)'4d% j.s7J'o 9~lJtJ /o,SCa I'j" ki -.. V /.sl1o /4;'0 (J eJ' I; .t..3tJtJ (J /E(J(J() I)q .~(J ,1./0 /.3i1tJ ~ /-~"O'" fJ \ 1;2 700 /Jl70Q . . . . . . . , , . " . . T - LOT BlK. --,---~ ~2.;7~2.~~-9.0:1 :, r]" SEC. TWN. RGE. 0: ?7 ?? .. rr,...o,..t: 11 n<> ~I""\v+ T.n+. I'. t.( ( <I '/:t ~ ll7l. /I tM- 5P JJ, /2.) That part of Govt Lot 6, Sec 27, Twp 22 North, Range 3 I, ,W.M., in Mason County, Washington, b~li1g a part of that certain parcel of land described in deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 271325 in Reel No. 94, Frame No. 95, Records of the Auditor of Mason County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the NE corner of Lot 50 of the Plat of "Shorebrook", as recorded in Voltune 6 of Plats', pages 154,155 and 156, Records of said County; thence S 89044' 34" E 1064.35 ft. along the North line of said Govt Lot 6 to the NE corner thereof; thence along the East line of said Govt Lot 6, S 0031' 26" W 1148.00 ft. to the SE corner of that certain parcel of land described as Exception No. 2 in Vol 82 of Deeds, page 293, Records of Mason County, Washington; thence continuing S 0031'26" W 94.24 ft. to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING: thence N 78037'44" W 348.67 ft.; thence S 1023'39" W 50.77 ft.; thence S 78037'44" E 115.63 ft.; thence S 79032'36" E 233.14 ft. to a point on the East -line of said Govt Lot 6; thence along said East line N 0031' 26" E 47.12 ft. to the true point of beginning. , ~~ 4/IOLt ;y /Y6 -e - ~~ _u - - . .. ....ol r'" -;:;- File No --1---.-- NAME of OWNER I Aries ..Qf/M', (lJ,;L fl,.. /J CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 25q Rd. 5c".11()rf PUO! fPO _'-I 2 ~03 T 3 8 L H -.&.. LWtJ -? "( iLl fI :M 1St!> 0 #59950 10!7t 355023 Ernie --,~-- ~----- ------------ ' ----- --- - r.:t-o..tM NUMBER OF ACRES I Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster - 11 .'1 .IJ "G ~- gz ,U ' t.S' )I.~ _~~...L. . ,....... '1 ~~ '.ltl.'1 C. .~,...J "',, f I '/"" , .J, ,h--' lj -- -- LOT ,_ SEC. 27 ......-.~'!ili'?____. o:::r:rr t ' 8LK. TWH. RGE. .....1_ ~ 22 3 Tract 12 of Govt Lot 6 .., SALE PRICE YALUATIONS Timber Unimproved Improved ImprovementJ B. of E. (BLllIdin9') VAlUe 41/t:J 4"/~ ..... _~?S;1 Co " .f tf) t.fa '1.7%0 Q.;28o -G- ~ I i -, I" ~ ....". .. ,~ '-II L/-';' :.1 That ptn of Govt Lt 6, 27-22-3W.W.M., daf: Beginning at the meander corner common to Sections 27 & 28 of sd township and range; th alg the W I ine of sd Section 27, N 00 37' 26" E 751.30' to the NW corner of Lt 68 of "Shorebrook" , as recorded in Vol. 6 of Plats, pgs 154-156; th continuing N 00 37' 26" E 719.60' to the most Nly corner of the SWly boundary of Lt 51 of sd plat; th alg sd SWly boundary S 400 00' E 27. I I' to the rlw margin of Timber Lane, being a point on a curve having a radius of 45', the center of which curve bears S 400 00' E; th SWly (counterclockwise) alg sd rlw margin 42.62' alg the arc of sd curve through a central angle of 540 15' 37"; th eontinuing alg sd rlw margin S 40 15' 37" E 411.81'; th continuing alg sd r/w margin 255.88' alg the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 1175.92' and a central angle of 12028' 03" to the NE corner of sd It 68; th N 890 28' 34" W 86.42' to TPOB. SUBJECT TO an ease for ingress & egress over and across a strip of land 20' in width lying 10' on each side of the ell of an existing driveway crossing the SEly ptn of the above described parcel of land and benefiHrhg Lts 67 & 68 of sd plat. .,. .. +-~ --- .~ ..... ~