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Rd. 5ch. I Port PUD fPDI_
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3 Tract lO~"tf Gov'T Lot 6 X
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Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 50 of the Plat of "Shorebrook", as recorded
in Volume 6 of Plats, Pages 154, 155 and 156, Records of said County; thence S 89044'34"
E 1064.35 feet, along the North line of said Govt. Lot 6 to the Northeast corner
thereof; thence along the East line of said Govt. Lot 6, S 0031'26" W 1148.00 feet
to the Southeast corner of that certain parcel of land described as Exception No. 2
in Volume 82 of Deeds, page 293, Records of Mason County, Washington; thence continuing
S 0031'26" W 94.24 ft. to the true point of beginning; thence continuing S 0031'26"
W 94.24 feet to the Southeast corner of said Govt. Lot 6, said corner being on the
North line of Lot 24 of said Plat N 860 13' 11" W 79.37 feet from the Northeast corner
thereof; thence N 86013' n" W 132.87 feet; thence S 850 W 54,35 feet to a point on
the margin of Brook Place, said point being on a ~e having a radius of 45 feet,
the center of which bears S 72010'46" W; thence following said margin westerly 80.86
feet along the arc of said curve; thence 18.16 feet along the arc of a curve to the
right having a radius of 20 feet; thence N 68045' W 74.37 feet; thence 103.79 feet
along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 457.46 feet; thence N 55045'
W 182.82 feet; thence 58.54 feet along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius
of 30 feet to a point on the southerly margin of the North Shore County Road; thence
along said southerly margin 28,30 feet along the arc of a curVe to the left having a
radius of 316.48 feet; thence S 60000' E 200.00 feet; thence S 78037'44" E 394.67 feet
to the true point of beginning. .-e-~ - n / J
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Tract B of S.P. 12
That part of Gov. Lot 6, 27-22-3 W.W.M., being a part of that certain parcel
of land des. in deed recorded under A.F.# 271325 des. as follows:
BEGINNING at the NE corner of Lot 50 of the Plat of "Shorebrook"; Th. S
89 44' 34" E 1064.35' along the N line of said Gov. Lot 6 to the NE corner
thereof; Th. along the E line of said Gov. Lot 6, 0 31 '26" W 1148.00' to the
SE corner of that certain parcel of land described das Exception No. 2 in
Volume 82 of Deeds, page 293; Th. continuing S 0 31'26" W 141.36' to the TPOB;
Th. continuing S 0 31'26" W 47.12' to the SE corner of said Gov. Lot 6, said
corner being on the N line of Lot 24 of said Plat N 86 13'11" W 79.37' from
the NE corner thereof; Th. N 86 13'11" W 132.87'; Th. S 85 W 54.35' to a point
on the margin of Brook Place, said point being on a curve having a radius of
45', the center of which bears S 72 10'46" W; Th. following said margin Wly
80.86' along the arc of said curv; Th. continuing along said margin 18.16'
along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 20'; Th. continuing
along said margin N 68 45' W 74.37;' Th. continuing along said margin 26.12'
along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 457.46' through a
central angle of 3 16'17"; Th. N 2400'16" E 52.17'; Th. S 7837'44" E
115.63'; Th. S 7Q 32'36" E 233.14' to the TPOB.