HomeMy WebLinkAbout322272200060 NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 7- ;;9 SALE PRICE Year File No. 'I Rd. 6<h. Port PUD FPD - - - - - ~ 6'J.799 /kLJ;:J .tI.L..h~J // ~ ~J jJ rc,~~, ' -d 2.!L T 3 L 5<( /&1/71 1..t&1- ~-vf; ..:> I), ~ /Lu~.I'A1..._.J Jfl.._ - - - - - /O,~ ~ J?'J /3/) }9::..~#, /h dJ /1 ;; f{) , II - ~, - - - - - ItJ. tJOO ~y 172/,"/ ' rl. ~ ~;,:> tJ>>!A.h/-of ;- '.JI-/L,V$? " ..J - - - "..:7/;. .:It;; _3 .2L 171'0 '/h 11i~ A/" ,,z'A H /..13".r " .. c- 1/JIJIJ, -1dL t> Q. /P. ,;:1)..,/ "'q 1f<?I;" ~ b/ /7'07S" .lQ ....,: /7.0 11. d .ht V / -.= /'i'tfjr,~- tI., / ~/ . / ;Q. 11;-, J .r. L- it p oS;> ,{,SJ. ;;L ~ d - ~q.:J " /;;:~.".. ? - ,--S6t: 640 :ili.. :r/j? o;u" 7J.l (I~ t?LfJ1J ? 2:!2... d.L L- tL f30;{:;> -~ L 1.... /1/./\ f/ -- ;;; 1M L .3... L .b:.. JL J'f ( '/2;l I L L L iL - - - - !.. .. . .' - .. . '. . ~,- ~ '-- 'I\',i-,! ---- --~-----=------------- _....------- ------------------... - --...;:........... -----...-....... - -"'- -----... -- - - -... ~-~ ~.. ~ .. .. , "' . ~.. .. ... ...." .. .. ...,... ..... : . NUMBER OF ACRES YALUATIONS Year Oy.ter Timber Unlmprovlld Improved TOTAL Oylter Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemenh B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE ,.)-it ,30 .30 It) S,fo ffo .6Z. .,-9('} , 3d -tJ- /G? !f/r cJ ?:lO 2J- ..30 .30 5C::J 8'flo 7Sd 4 .30 .30 /00 .F%o <7cf'o (0/ .30 .30 loD 7/0 %/0 "- ::/.- h /~ RI'5"" /0/0 ~ _ I;}. S' /IJ tiS' //70 2L "" ~ ?rl ;J"S- t:1 ~JPO ~,~" 2L I .;:{S' 0 .;)./"" .:l3S"o Zl.. .:zS-~ ~'MO ~S2J 1!l . ~tJ R'tIJOt:J .J?.soo ~ Itt<<J ~~ (:3,9J'Q 11 ..3() .~ '7.:lSlJ /~~ /9671J . 2! ~o ~ ?~ 1S"~o 8"2 J?? to 5 ;2S'1ii' /') J't,5'f_.t; LDT SEC. BlK. TWN. RGE. m:rrilz ~ 7 ~2. '2.~ 0 )0 f'01IE1 / , 'if!) . ~--- Tr. 6 ifof Go"t Lot 6 .4lo.f/~ ~?7 22 ~ r .~ Tract of land in Govt Lot 6, Sec 27-22-3, as follows: Bgn 1t SW corner of said Tract, whi~h is S 00 06' W 1130 ft; Thn E 430 ft. (to angle point just c of creek on N line of Jones-Harned Plat recorded, this pt bein~ marked by 2~ in. pipe with plug with tack in it, driven 1.1 ft. S of pt -- log in way) ~I . Thn N ~lO 24' ~ 144.1 ft. from NW corner of sai~ Sec. 27; Thn N 560 17' ~ 151.5 ft. to NW corner of said tract; Thn S 400 28' E 61.2 ft (marked by 3/1, in. pipe 4 ft. long driven flush) to Donald Huson's SW corner; Thn S 760 40' E along Donald Huson's S line 55 ft to NWly margin of N Shore Road; Thn S'''ly alon<; R curve of said margin 210 ft, more or less to a pt which is S 210 51' E from pt of bgn; Thn N 210 51' W 75.85 ft to said pt of bgn. .-.-....... .- - 4.....'.... 7" ._"'- :- ,;>p,/es ctJ'j.37?;J{,. c? :r~ (JtH-d-C'h I dG?",.4.-k.,;<<. {!,;[,..