HomeMy WebLinkAbout322264200213 Via, File No. CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ~ S''j Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD!__ SALE PRICE NAME of OWNER }~crt 09. A w Mill, ~t lUX --5Q.. 16<;1,0- AQg.cSGh3;ll'Et.~t ;tVX~TX. (tto Schmitt:l 20. T '0\ ..1.. SF _#9,000. 61 /'1/tJOfJ ~ .../J.s1r:'! .~.t- . ___ .,~-#-/?t:;& .u/;?7'?Sl" -:f _.', /J .Jro d ,7'7' ';A ',fh/'J1) _____.-L..o ....ILk / .2')01/3 gL~ 17by 'I,/7;1,5,2-,Q ~ .l::Jvmal- 2m T 3 t'!.1o II I'./'? d <J,c.., g"ool 711 ~f-"~1i' -=t=--- ------ -------\ ~ -- -.~z -~.~.:-~- :-~:-.- -~ ~ ~... ~ _.~ ..~~;:~ -"=-- -'.-- --~ ~~ - ~.::.~-- --,: :_:-..~~==-::~--~-:7_~.-:"~.:'--: .~" ....;,...;.,A..;. ".'_=~_. J:""~~ P. NUMBER Of ACRES V ALUA TlONS ::.z. Year Oylter Timber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved I Improvements B.ofE. - (BuildIngs) VALUE SiP J,.J '7 'j iE, ;;,00 ;;',Cl/ 7""0 300 37"0 . 4, go 4%0 .2Y :J ::17 'J ,It. . 3.yO j, DO 4~o 40 10 /ftJo $;;;'0 :2176 (,O '7,.;I? ~ ,e. 3.)0 1,00 I:go ~ /6' /g'tJCJ j)t,!i' ::J.~ 7 .5" .6k I""; ~% /.5" ~ :;7d'5' . . 0, .HZ. ./,,;( ~ .t:l.6M ?.tJS ~JlG"~ 6!L /4/J "';/..-:JL'" li,1~'9tl 5/~"" 6t . I!a.;~, ~ . ~ /.;(0 ,;;1h~ ,fJ. t1 f'o ~ifBS ~ I..: I;, 7" .rf/ 10 /j/f CJ ~9'hf'tJ 2L , / -==- /6.5dJ;J ~9'o it cJ'7/!;) 2L /Sdlt& --ie- /L;;;}6 u..- / <Q:i'Ll /.5/J&" 53~~ rJ/<fd?1} U- //$'#..3 ' -&- -fi9- #);J(I"J 12. /5.;:!,() /.50tJ{j 5.3'tJtJ dllj7dtfJ 13 /5.:l..tJ c5- --r!!7- , J5i7r" ""-L1)T -eLK. SEc. TWH. RGE. .~----- .. ~~ TR. 21 B of LOT 3 &. TAX 1268 ASll \ c;, , J '/23/ ... l~ 26 22 3 r ~ 175 D P-55 Tr. in Gov. lot 3 Sec. 26_22-3. \II.M. Commencing at the SE. corner of Lot 3.Thn. W. llong the S. line thereof 67.58 ft. more or less to the Easterly R/wline of the County Road and the point of Beginning of the tract of land hereby described; Thn. north 310 00' East , along the Easterly line of said county Hoad 17;8.99 ft. more or less, to the center or thread of a creek which runs easterly across said Gov. lot 3; thns. south 72049'14" east, along the centerline mf and thread of ~aid creek 79.60 ,ft. more or less, tothe Easterly line of said Gov. lot 3; Thn. north 180east, along the Easterly line of said Gov. lot 3ij~ 150 ft. thn. north 700West 70.20 ft,'m~~e or less, to a car axel driven on the Eastel margin of said county roadftparallel with the south line of said Gov. lot 3 to the west lLne of said Gov. lot 3; Thn. south along the west line of said Gov. lot 3, 307.18'ft. more or less, to thesouyhwest corner thefeof ; Thn. East, along the south line of said Gov. lot 3, to the point of beginning. Excepting therefrom right of way for county road. Also all that portion of the tidelands of the second class , as defined by chapter 255 of the secisson laws of 1927, formely owned by the State of Wash. situate in front of, adjacent to or abutting upon the above described propert~ '--~-. ~~ ,---- "- ~ ~-- ~..~....",. e:.'-.- ,- ..............- . ~r~ / =1 r .... rH-J-tttO _ - _ '::':..:..-0... NUMBER OF ACRES t V ALUA nONS ~.cf'O Year Oyster TImber UnImproved Improved TOTAl. Oyster Timber I Unlmproyed Improved Improvemlnts B. of E. (Buildinql) VALUe 11/ ....' - i3. f'() /, OIfJ' I/.S If) :3$al//l ! A~M t!J 'I.3Wc:> , /'ft.J , 3114r. {)) 3tJ'-Io 1-r , a8 11ft) -I/lLAt2 d/34,Lfti fI5 -:go#() -= 3t:40 7' ~ ", #/tIt!/:J 1'11/'0 ."i;??,~ tl 71: .IJ,/ U ~ ~. -#l- d!1d.Po .-0 .;:t;;l.RtJ 'I iiI4, , 'Iii) 4I'~RCJ L2AQ se/~tl 7~ "I ")'1- ~" 3.~o /.,IVI 1./.10 ~~ ~'I5t'. JIC,t/RIJ 1"'. !ao d/;; ~ l?iJb .s;7~t:J 31' .",-," -.- ~~8C) ~ -~;~?o )(1 ..:J~7LC. 3g() 1.00 if. ECJ t//2f(1) /7",T/} 59 ?(,. 0 ,iJ. /9/00" ,1'1';;10 l3(J,.2/,J A ,;;J1) ~,go .,Bg(1() (:> .;3&'OQ