HomeMy WebLinkAbout322264200212 .Vear File No. NANE of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ~ 5'9 SALE PRICE Rd, Ich. I Port PUD FPD . 53 14964( Oscar Hjelm et ux Ra E. Larey .~~ ..7 ;2.0 -r 3 L.._ ,,-.3 15/SO~ Je:A if' 7 _7 - - /I-c./ '1 ~ A::/ ~6 ;y", ".....?J;."9 dlJ' OJ ." IT....I C(J:;etEf~~,.. - - - - ~ ~ /5SJ.lfJ I~ :1.,0 ~ ~ T Q-jno 2- -:J/) T 3 L L ~ . ,;{ ~tJ3 T 3 g l.- lL ,f( L !ft3. l1: 2 1.. L .iL - - - - - - - -- f-- - - - - . - - - - - f-- I .,.' ~, . , . ,'." '., .,.....' ----. ,.. ........-.__-._....---_....__.._.._-----------..._...-_..._-""._-----------=--~:.... ~_...-'" . -", ~ I~' .''-'' ,......~ ~i. __ I.. ~.., " ~ '" . .... "y_ .~- NUMBER Of ACRES VALUATIONS YI" Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oylter Timber I Uo'm.",v.d Improved lmpronmenU a.orE. (BuildIngs) VALUE S.3 . 1ft, S3 ,/0 ,/0 75 7S- ,r! /S' J?70 941S" ..2k , J/) '//) -&- 7S //co?o //.7'S 5'/ .I: ;l."iJ?', /e) ./d 3tJ 7<;, !/ =?t1 / :J..:J..<; ff!i 30 1;;( cJ () I/~O -:ns-o .idl. ) -:;" I' , /0 ,/0 -= /;;?, ~o //02 CJ .:? ~d 0 (;,1 I. j,~.t.~ . /0 ,/0 /';<()O 1::3%0 ~b-gO K ' --./) /~/.) /,;7~ ,3,;(.:15 '..,:; ~::h !& AtP.Z .3LYt9& 3 ~sz,> 6K."3?:J 2L , .3#62J /3of1..-<A /tJ..1dtJ ~ //JLUJ/1 4J/If t:P "" Yo' ~ ~~ b&'Md R;fPCJ ,;Ur>QI'J --6-- ~ ....{r- ~ //JJ ,If;) l:1. tJ ,hM .f',f'tf(J ,,;1,f.!J'c. BLK.. ... ....... . -...... .. -d9- ~p., lEt. TWN. ROE. ~1~IOIO~-~ - ---. -----,~,k e..l 1- v.ti l)..tJr~ ~'...._ ?1_,1_1 "f' 'P.... "1_^ ,,-I' T,,;. ') And T!'lX 126Q_A .J.f';'3d~ ~ 22 1 r- Commencing at the SE corner of Lot 3; thence W, along the S line thereof, 67.58', more or less, to the Ely R/W line of the County Road; thence N 31000' E, along the Ely R/W lin e of the Co. Rd. 78.99' to point of beginning of the tract of land hereby described; thence continuing N 31000' E, along the Ely R/W line of said road, 100', to , the center or thread of a creek which runs Ely and Wly across said Lot 3; thence S 72049'14" E, along the eenter line and thread~f said creek, 79.60', to the Ely line of Gov. Lot 3; thence S 37046' Wi along the Ely line of Gov. Lot 3, 100' to a point thereon which is S 750 47'~~ 68.41' from the point of beginning; thence N 75047' W 68.41', to the point of beginning. .~ Tax 1269-A T.L. in front of above described pooperty \ ~.." -- -.... ~/.6J1a .. -w::~ ~ . UlJ -.J NUMBER OF ACRES [ VALUATIONS I I ." Year I Oyster Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL r- Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvem&l'lts B.ofE. (Buildin9i) VALUE ~'.3 ,/f) ,/0 L '.;<rf'Soo .'::?O.'?J.t.<: /~"'S"$' -- D. --c::r- -e- --e- f1 /0 3 o "-<,IS I<;P/!4S W Ie! ,/0 -6- -6'-- e-- - . y.:;- ---- ./0 ./6 bx::>o () '303k /.5Hv, %- -& .G -G- ---- . ..' - ..-- --- I - -.---- -.--- --- -, .. 1___- n -- ---- ---- -- - _===1 - .---- 1----- r r--_. - ---- - - ------ '-- I ------ I I ! - 3 lfE+tt8 -.~ " - . ~ l ~.- NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS - Yeer Order Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAl. I Oyder limber Unimproved Improved lmproYemflnh B. of E. (Buildlnc~') VALUE ~ .10 ./" :JS'Sbb IS-CU//} l/o'9Q" ~O' LO - :0'" '- . TL CJS"S'lJ() I $;l/tI () '10910 "'A -e-- " G .~- ~ ~S-~b IS-t/r/O lit> '7t/(j -4- -6- -e,. ')IJ .m .10 ~- .........C J>/~S ~- '0 'let lCO dlS"~~ /S#o Sf", 9$/" - '1e. , -e-' -#- -e- ~O :1.551')" /rw~ "/0'\ ?Y(J - /XJ ......<l. -A- '"l"} .u . ,;2.5500 /Jj If4 (J ~o 7'-/0 ~I ' /0 '/0 --a.. -? -e' , 1;;.. /;111500 1t?.3t/S IS,f,J''/5 r).. I 7J- 19- ~