HomeMy WebLinkAbout322264200210 ".. ., C :r'. N'li4J3 CONTRACT TO I Rd. DISTRICTS ?'iq SALE PRICE Ye~r NAME of OWNER Sch.jPort PUD I FPD , 52 131215 C. E. Hill tInt. 2 20 T 3 L 103599 A. G. Schelle et ux tInt. 55 155463 A. G. Schille et ux i- Int. See s} NESW Merton A. Hill et UK tInt. 57 165033 1arence Breate e m $2500 170915 Nellie Case 63 200743 Frances McDon<. d .65 214494 R & F McDonald 2 20 T 3 L H 68 236403-/ Robt & Frances McDonald l' vF()) 2 20 T 3 8 L H 2 403 T 3 8 L H I y/ I 14 I I 1# 3 Y I _ u__ __ .. . -_. -.. ._- .-.... -. I - NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS > Yellf I Oyder limber Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements I B. of E. (Buildingl) VALUE 531 12.80 12.80 750 750 57 8.08 LC 12.80 12.80 160 750 910 56 5.81 LC 6.80 6.80 120 450 570 56 4.31 LC 4.64 4.64 90 320 410 58 L 54 LC 2.20 2.20 30 110 1LUl 59 L54 LC 2.20 2.20 30 720 95 845 60 L 54 LC 2.20 2.20 -Q- 720 2~/; 975 61 .77 LC L10 LI0 3hn 2'i'i --6ll.i-_ 66 2 % 450 320 770 69 450 4300 4750 hO Canc 48 450 381.0 4260 7n l'in<>Z." onn 7"~f\ 8<;30 7/ I. ~f\f\ 7"~f\ 17130 7,j I ./~- ~ /U//? A , ,z 7t.1 ~.~'~ o/ttJt9.tJ /9.31/6 ,(')~.d. - . I.;:M- =:l"1' {) LOT.! BLK. !~ . 2~ .all. "j~lz. 0 101,21, 01 SEC. lWN. RGE. 26 ~ 22 3 Tr. 21 of Lot 3 * And Tax 1268 * ~/" ""__.r"~ ,/,Tr. 21 of Lot 3 Ex. '~ '\ That part of Lot 3 of Section 26, Township 22 North, Range 3 West, W. M.; and of tidelands in front ,thereof described as follows: i Beginning at the southeast corner of said Lot 3 running thence N 37t45 , E along the 'east line thereof 164.34 feet,more or less, to the center of a creek which runs easterly across said Lot 3; thence N 180 E along said easterly line of Lot 3' 250 feet; thence N 700 W 65.12 feet, more or less, to the ~asterly line of an existing county road; : thence N 17045' E along the easterly line' of said county road 50 feet to the initial point of this description; running thence, S 700 E 59.38 feet, more or less, to the easterly line of Lot 3 ; thence southwesterly along said easterly line of Lot 3 50.55 feet; thence N 700 W 65.12 feet, more or less, to saideeasterly line of county road; thence west parallel with the south line of said Lot 3 to the west line thereof; thence north along said west line to a point. west fo the initial point of this description; thence east to said initial point; EXCEPTING therefrom said'county toads; excepting county road !mown as North Shore Road and excepting also public roads, if any: TOGETHER with all tidelands as conveyed by, State of Washington by deed dated July 23, 1956 and recorded in Volmne 173 of Deeds, page, 39i, lying in front of, adjacent to and abutting on said property. Tax, 1268, App 11593 , T. L. of the 2nd class situated in front of that pillrtion of the st of Lot 3, lying N of the S 145' of said Lot with a frontage of 8.08 L C, more of less. -~.-- .... -~.~. - ------~ * Ex. Tr. 21 - A-B-C-D-E-F * Ex. Tax l268-A-B-C & T. L. Assessed with Trs. .... .... ~ \ . l-TtJttttj ... NUMBER OF ACRES I ~ VALUATIONS Year Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Timber Unimproved lmproyed Impronmenh B. of e. (Building\) VALUE 7{, I., Ie I. 1(,) /4100 Q!3.<'7o '!37fe,70 7~ 3P.222 I#/.3M 75"/75 1<1 I. In /. It) ~o /q/tUJ .;l3S/A B?I.o70 fJ.. .7'7750 7;207t:; IJI.}7,;zo - - 1-. - - - r- . ---- f-- I i