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V.., File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ;;5''1 SALE PRICE Rd. Sch. Port PUO FPO , p.4,~et t;sJ7J - - - - -5Z- 10.20.80 Shellton ux 2 20 T 3 L ;::D"~ ~ l;< ;).0 I... 3 1. L ~ ~ fj.2, L .3.. ..I- t.. /I fI I 103 r 3 J> I. II . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - f-- - . - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - .~--4IIt~---------------------~-----------~----------~----:------------:------~-~>--- _. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unlmprond Improved Improvements B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE ~ .;< , S'?. ..?S"L 150 Isd 53 ISO ;;? / D '-1(.,0 5Z / .<J~ ~CJIi 2. .,/),2 '/i:kJ So ,:;:'/0 ~c,o Ej. d.5";;)' ;;)..2;:1.. 000 3/0 J~ - ~ ~ .s;;. ~.6'; ~. ~ 7~ /5"0 3/0 4&-0 .;(,<>;;l. ;;J,.S;;1.. 600 5'15" 1/ /~- ~ .;:;.Sd.- ;J..S-~ 000 ~S-5 1~5S- ~ L./f o' 9.1tJ /~ t1J " ~ -;-% ?,./;)"/J /'/'-5""'0' /j7tJtJ (p,? /5tJ1J //~ ;;16S"6 /.9 /SlJ t1 /.81'5" 1-"\. ~ 1A. 4i ~% ~dlJd '" 1-5' 2L . I~;,~ A ;;l'7;1~ - 12: . /.... 33f5 &~~~ 11 Ict#% ~tJM b~O ;;(t7fd . LOT. SEC. BLK. TWN. . -,- ROE. 13 j?~ Z.~4 y~;Z k ~v..Wit ~2h 22 1 N lnnl n~ S. 1101 of Tr. 11 of Lot 3 ~. ------ ~.7 /2/..:1.1 ~ M-lji-H-tj r. ~ - ..- :;BER OF ACRES ~ t VALUATIONS I Unimproved - Improvements V....r Oyster Timber Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unlmprovod Improved B. of E. (BuildinQi) VAlUe '/Jp. "".5-'-. .:J . S'J- ....n.., J:J~ III ~ 'it/If) ?~ 5"oKM. ~O/~ ?~gI5 fj~ .:1....3 :J...~~2 e,o a.71M /;;UIO 39~{:J . f,J. !'??'''''-QO 4-25.;2.6 1310,.).5 - --- --- - - ==f i