HomeMy WebLinkAbout322263400060 ,. , -;:;- File No. -T-------- . NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ~PI SAlE PRICE -~- .d, 5ch.l!tJrt PUO fPO I I I nl7' 3_Q7>>L f--80bert T. Carlson et ux 2 03 T 3 8 L Hi #5788 I~ 308037 Geor<:je D. Cool ':L..!3. ~ k f--- ....1iA5 606 1m 354.520 n r.()() I A" 1'+ '"v (I "n"r" 81 1 ItMJ IT "I g IL !# f//Ro 15.90'47-9 rt~ i>: /J. UmJ V ~ t/ r --- ---,- ..- - f-- . .-.--- --.-- '-- . -.. -.;:--=. - ,.., I 0".., NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Impro....d Improvements S. of E. (Buildingl) VALUE 7St__ - .04 .04 ~ ~ q; 2", a.c - /()~ IIJO 1 ~ 04 eo .;uJ .;w ft:L /0 /0 ---. " -- LOT See. BLK. TWN. RGo. .~?i.?~~..i..~~Loi~ 'I.. ?Ii ?? "\ Tr<=lr+ h nf r,()v+' I ()+ t) 4 t./.5 ,.; ~ That ptn of Govt Lt 5 of Section 26-22-3WWM daf: Beginning at the NW corner of tr of land conveyed to George D. Cooley and Ladora Cooley, his wife, by deed recorded 9-29-69 under AF# 246038; th NWly alg the extended Wly I ine of sd tr, a distance of 30'; th NEly, paral lei with the Nly line of sd tr a distance of 601; th SEly alg the extended Ely I ine of sd tr to the NE corner of sd tr; th SWly to POB. ~----=-~. ,-.--~-~~" ULdi..v ,. 0.3 - I t/ Ii 6A'5E- - .:l7?!710 .. ... II" ... ~~NO' r--.--'- HAM E of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 259 5 ME PRice Rd, !!.!!:...I.!~ t!!.!1.1 fPO I I - 10/7 307357 B.obert T. Car I son et ux 2 403 T 3 8 L H #5788 ~ 308037 -- ( eorae D. Coole e1 ux #45606 illh. M, r:"h" II (:; R. I -#47681 ...3H19.9 >r $701 12/7 354520 Georae D. Coo I ev et ux (Lador,) " " " !/J5._ J,-iffJJd. lJJ.&Mlcdi' )j 1~.h J .eJ- ar I (). . ') 11/ / 'Id< --r '? % L /J. --' --- . ~'. y", I 0"." NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS , TImber I Unimproved Improved TOTAl. I Qydar Timber Unimproved Improved Improvltmollh B. of E. (Building" VALUE - 76 IF ,IR 1'0 J!'~ ?9 4!;() 'IS-I'! I 11 d:o. 1'0 ?c il -A- ~ /0 F~' , ---- 1. ~, - .,r~ I..IJF ''-H ".7,;. t ~/../ 18" r"i" 177 /1-/ //./ ",,-:'5 - 7.2. - .'?, . -- - - , i LOT BLK. -~-'---- SEC. TWN. ,Go. O_llJ t ~ ; [[!J ..26 22 3 Tract.7_of _Govt LotS ,/L'~,."'.r> AI I that ptn of Govt Lt 5, 26-22-3W.W.M., daf: Beginning at a point N 890 40' 44" E 2168.98' from the SW corner of sd Section, (sd point being the meander corner common to fractional Sections 35 & 26, sd Twnshp & Rge); th N 370 50' W 50' + - to the Sly r/w I ine of the North Shore County Road; th Swly alg the Sly r/w I ine of sd Co. Rd to the S I ine of sd Govt Lt 5; th N 890 40' 44" E, alg sd S I ine, to the POB; excepting therefrom road rights-of-way. . --. .......- ~_. ----.. .".'=~-~ t(,J~ :z-o.!J -14~ ... .j