HomeMy WebLinkAbout322261300050 Y.., FlI, No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACrrO DISTRICTS z:.'5'",1 SALE PRICE Rd. Soh. Porl PUO FPO - #19598 6~ 19562" Walter Lorig et ux 2 20 T -1. L $1200 i3 ~ -# &:?/~::><!:> ..., - rPll_ J ff.,R;r; ~7f'. /" rj);?'yJ ,I/J? 'l y,/ I-- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ / / T II M ;2 20 3 L- ;? &... I ~ L l If %1 / !b.2 'L 3.. X .l: it. - ~ - - ~ - - - ~ ~ -' --, - I- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ - ~ - - ~ - - - - ~ - - - . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Y.., Oyster Tlmtr.r UnImproved ImproVlld TOTAL Oyst'r Tlmb.r UnImproved Improved Improvemenb B. of E. . (Buildings) VALUE ~ .:?.. " 1 d." 1 /5P ISiOJ._ -- ,l[ ~ l~ /'7 IJ ---41..t:J_ - 'C JIl L ~',%J $,:? () .3'Ra 7L , 4!.-&l,10 ;jJ~a(L - .JJ. I~o '616Y.5 Vtlhl6 Li 1&,(7'% //'#00 5:;130 p~0 ~ 1/::100 '~ //.Jl LJI!J '14 a.&.1 :J.~" 1/ Jl.tM /1.11!J6 ?,,2.. i!..{) 0 C 0 --- /0 000__ ~,l.- Iflf!. f.,;;. Sol t-tfMfJ b (jOM Y - .' -- L._. __ L26 22 3 13riTiri'.~ l/~3~O_O 0 .5 0 Tract 5 of Govt Lot 2 Ilr"f.:_,:! ~ LOT BlK. IEC. TWN. RGE. r, , , Bag at a point 900' S of NW corner of frac Lot 2; th S 80'; th E to meander line of Hoods Canal,; th Nly to a point due E of I.P.; th W to I.P. --:-. - ..-. y.., File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ;.:. ;;9 Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD IALE PRICEl ~ 1118h Grace Wilson Radford ..5'3 j~1~J m~d') /, Lu~' ) ^ fYl L. LA 1 &I/J',s&r a,~,-t/~ A.N, Ji~,? bo I/%.,-s/'o " " .10.. H. ~;1 f1i 3o/(1l8 V:YtJIuL,~ ~/~ -eI~ /"YJ?) . 2120 T 3-~L~ I-~-~~ o '7 Y-~ '/':::.) (J',cJO IY "" """><3 //Si?JQ. I- ,;;~ ;< .201 r 3 ~ L-I~ !.,? tf-03 T 3 '6 l-.fL ~I / 1~,l:1.,.2J~ 1- 1L ----~-----~------------------------------~-----------------------------------~-----:~._-- - -- -. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Tlmbtr UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oyst.r Tlmbtr UnImproved Improved Improvemenb B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE ,3 ,;(.& () P(, ,,0 / .s--o 0(4d 3bO ~ .:(. &, 0 ;(.1-,0 /..)'0 - oS70 7~() //1/"1 , ~ /.1.12 / .2. ttJ 50 ,~7,1 ZJcJ ?Z b.C/ .>"/1 1J,J.4' lao $/5 50 .:( 5D 50 -5 7t:J 9-2.::1 / 6!l 2. S1, ;I, - 5/6- J-: /S' So Roo 570 14;Z0 ki2 ;;2. 5"' c, ;j e ~-:/5 6-: /.-;- ~ %00 .j'7 tJ /J'7tJ kL /I;;?,o /000 ~/.zO " - /-j!a IJ /.:;5tJ .::1L 6"t:J 67 ~tJZJtJ 14;lS't:J .3;lSb 6i ,;UJtJttt, /-'/,52J - "-:-6 -1b , s:; ~ f'I6'&'O l~tJ ~9"/a ,CJ' 1/ . 1/ /fIfA ~//) ~ I~/Jo{j 3:2411' /?,;JMtfh ~ "~",,, p";!,, #dfJ ;:t; tJtJ If) 6460 7/f I/J 1IfJd. II Rd?LfO ~(ftJ Ic;lJ>OG)> LOT_ BLK. SEe. ..:rwN. RGE. 1-26 ?? "! Trs. '6.-7 ' of Lot 2 And Tax 1289 -5<":<., ~~ r- ~ ""'l Tr. ,6 of Lot 2 . ' Bi1;n at , pnt which ~s_ 930' S of the NW corner of fractional lot 2 in see :G~-2:G-3 , Running'Phn S 80 '.; , Thn ,j:; to the MLof Hoods Canal: Thn in a Nly dir~ction clue ~ of 'the pIc of' bgn Thn W to thePlc ,of bgn, ' Tr. 7 of'Lot-2 . .. -; . : Bgn at a point which is 1060' S of the NW cor of fractional Lot 2, See. 26-22-3, Run S. 80'TThn 'E to ML of Hoods Canal; Thn Nly to point dueE of starting point; Thn W. to place of beginning, ,.- Tax 1289, App 11896 T.L. of 2nd c situate in front of theS. 160' of the N..1l40' of Lot 2 Sec. 26-2?~~, Wi~h a frontage of 2.56 lc mil Ex. 1289A --i " ., - :. ____ ":;"~~...rI~ .- __.~ , _~..: . ! -..'.- ";:::0..' " ,''-~,' ",;'. '.",.- "~I''''> ...,.