HomeMy WebLinkAbout322247700240 y.;;" I -FiI. ~O. -r-----.-.------N~ME of ow~--- I J_ Rd. $ctl" I P?rt Mystery-8.<l.','...E.n:JlL Qanny R. Schni ze Rainier Evergr en In DISTRICTS .2$7 PUD I fPD I I -i I I , I I , 3:8 LiH' i-Il #17886 -1--- l~ WOP 1162613 '--- _I-- 1162612 - ~?~~88 f(b ... 7;;{9F'j'- 1.5"'''':>/MO '.0..... :tI:fl33go W^ ;tL 3.,1'0';:;'1" 1.-//9.5"0;>'''' SME PRICE CONTRACT TO 'ill 11.120.Ll-~grgaret R., Cothary et a I _Q5L~OQ.LI--__ 4/79_ 360 J Q~_____ 4/79 360 I 05_~_____ 10/7 369013 -1ii~-~SWg~ fl: .----- ~fJ.1.2l.....f..d~------ ~/S.J 'i16010. .c.n,. .'k .D/LU ;:;:;7;;L ~/. ':/A 7fs,; <1.307:1.3 .A7 1 I v %>5 lj'fe.?'fO tV.Q '7f.11., !!,-1-j)tfY)JJ/}cA3" ~ %,;- tlt/e,?g; 771.. . ,-f..,f;l:ltJ-T. [At ,) r 2 40 T Les lie A. .H..LJJ.! ~rc n " ~ ,0 Sedt;Jw. fJ1 ,A, 'II II n-,-l./iJ, '/3 ,p L.ill ~~yf-&f:b.J;, /VIf, ,) _ I' " 00D - <Me; KJb -, ~. -L- NUMBER OF ACRES Year I Oyder Timber I Unimproved Improved I TOTAL L VALUATIONS . f;,,f'9 B. of E. VALUE Oyster Timber j Unimproved Improved Improvem.nts I (BuildinQil 'li.i---I-- 2J. ~ (,,/8 bee 37tJO I~ 13 iJ 31tJtJ ~!'O ~, /3 t. /3 .:< 1000 ,,;f/aoo ~_._- -. -------.- 24 22 3 , ! 131..2'~121S1' 7' 7' /ll/ll., . <llof Tract 24 ;f S~5i65-66 -.1 I 1.__- J r- i I ) 1-. ----- -, ---.----. . ..-------- -- f------ LOT SEC. BLK. TWN. RGE. :'0 /.~ I: ...."P ptn of 13 & 24-22-3W.W.M., daf: Beginoing at the S 1/4 corner of sd Section 13; th N 000 32' 25" W 767.76'; th S 830 45' 41" E 1I38.71 '; th N 460 27' 24" E 341'; th S 140 57' 02" E 486.03' to TPOB; th S 190 16' 27" E 1157.15'; th S 610 06' 47" W 256.03'; th N 160 55' 48" W 1228.63'; th N 780 41' 24" E 203.96' to TPOB. ar4.S31t -..sri .--- leu....~'"<.J ~ w"..., e...'-<. Iv <11... ... e. (' ~ r >1...."""t"'-'-, C r,,"-<... .