HomeMy WebLinkAbout322247590140 r- -;::;- AI. NQ- -l--~-'- NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS :ZS'7 Rd. 5ch. I P"rt PUD fPD I I I SALE PRICE hi'. 2TI.23S..... (1rr;n R 4/78 ..21.3733 ~.JhOjtJc' trf/ 3<J17rJ> !h3..!f[~!7 . ~ 1%5' tf'l73S,J-Ir., . c;f"Inrlp. ~+ 11)( d(~a0 2 03 T '3 8 I H <i'l i n i Ar FVArnr"e.JL nr /J ,01& ,'t!.,.1f JJ.LJ IV. y;1l / 111317 3 1 K L II c;,~" Jr/ . 'crjf:)7) 0.:1. -It). .Y,1 Ailp #15104 ...Ji5J 77 R · P.sO:t5;Zb// ,ib 73 91" ~ -61,2.<;-00 PE, ....$"'5'71 ~/9""7 ~ #. }L iPS <,/s/ ~ / 3M's{) /'4. - .~- . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved ImproYemonts B. of E. (BuHdinQII VALUE 2L .s:OtJ .5"0 ~'() d..SOO 1'1 I~OO 1.;t5""o "ql 00 sOot) S-ooo i~ .sa. /.50 /. .!> 0 ISot) /$00 ~I - . /,5ZJ /.S-O ::? 700 c:< 7 C)tJ ?.,z. -- 7.70 q 7..z0() -- - -- n___ - - -.. .. f 24 22 3 Wili,W9'1 7 ~5;q .0'.1 . y.g , .......- - . - Tract 14 of Survey 4/136 ex* 4323:/4 LOT see. BLK. lWN. RSE. FORMERLY: That pt of the SW NW 24-22-3W.W.M., daf: Beginning at the W 1/4 corner of sd Sect i on 24; th S 890 12' I I" E 893.52' to TPOB; th N 000 12' 50" W 983.04'; th S 890 08' 36" E 221.08'; th S 000 20' 54" E 982.85'; th N 890 12' II" W 223.38' to TPOB. (Now Tract D of Short Plat 970-A) AI I that ptn of the SW NW 24-22-3W.W.M., daf: Commencing at the W 1/4 corner of sd Section 24; th S 890 12' I I" E alg the S I ine thereof, 893.52'; th N 000 12' 50" W 983.04'; th S 890 08' 36" E 120'; th S 000 12' 50" E 450' to POB; th S 890 08' 36" E 102' +- to the W I ine of a tr of land conveyed to Richard J. & Esther W. Harvey, H&W, and Vincent B. & Fern Gallagher, H&W, by contract recorded 4-26-79 under AF# 360103; th S 00 20' 53" E alg the W line of sd Harvey tr 532' +- to the S line of sd SW NW; th N 890 12' II" W alg sd S line 123.38'; th N 00 12' 50" W 533' +- tap N 890 08' 36" W from POB; th S 890 08' 36" E 20' +- to POB; EXCEPTING therefrom road rights-of-way. -... ~ _n__ _A -. -~ --- -- ~-~---- d<<-P: ~ o. ~ YJt~ ~~ -eJ",::ci ,} 'I} v.. ,-<...,""'" 0".1-:).,.// 0'7/-f " r. ' {/ 4Ah.-U..<. t1 I (:'l.(} f,( l / . !.J-I'_ ... ,