HomeMy WebLinkAbout322247590110 ,. , Y~r --File No, -'j----- NAME of OWNER I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ,z5 '7 Rd, 5ch. 11"r. PUO fPD I I r SALE PRICE 68 233535 Orrin R. Sande et ux 2 03 T 3 8 L H l"iniAr ~ In, ; NJ. ?J1 IJr ..'11": lif.~t Hersh I F'\i . ,;/ Irfa" 3 J? LIII 1{.'",. M.;,s:o;::r.~K:, !31 VlliJ,-;7.Jf.AA 1--', y: I~~l! -,,-If- CL. #15104 4/78 21.~733 __ Jj;; 3b rJ;( 13 ----t+'t- -- 1L!iL 089976 IIi: II, -1fd --7.Qf(fl- . 'fi,;l <jQJ'lJ?f Jls t/f:J.f4/ 1/85 /1/9"017 Cf;Ya /lW/17 /( " "-An) ----1J5 77 7 Po J '" f' 6:<6S7 fj,,,,, WOP _$~~6b88wop $>80';"1" w'P r-....4{ -- r?O",/.s- -yF %/7'~ ,f'.n. '9',f'db/4' NP ft"~496~ ..:sA. ,0/., C, -'j-r--- )('A/N'/F/? ',//>, /AAI/J11,,,~, ~A~. /,- If ;.. A' -,~ . ~-- '.- NUMBER OF ACRES 1- VALUATIONS ~,J?o Yeor Orster TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved ImproYemlnh B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE Zf. -' .s::I'JO 5: 0" ,,25'bo aSc:ra '1( I~S-tl^ . /~s;,{) 1Jl eO' S-ooo .s-O'C'Oi it; <:;....... 2.tM 2.1/'1 ~ t,19t:J Zt,L9o g/ ~,L/q .:? '19 'N ~ 0 ~ '/-/? 0 y.z. - J'lS 0 ~'15o -. - -----'- -- - - ~- , - i ~--- LOT BLI(. 1~lz 1z.I~h/I' t5l9loL/ ,,101 SEC. TWN. RSE. 24 22 3 * Tract I I of Survey 4/136 ex 4823; /1 FORMERLY: .ThaLpar.t_o..Lthe SW NW 24-22-3W.W.M. daf: Beginning at the W 1/4 ~or:nerof-se Sect i on 25; tti"s-89"-r2 '-n"-E'~23.38'_to_TPOB;_th"--N~Oeo-I-1 '-20,,"E 983.63'; th S 890 08' 36" E 221..0.8.!;-th-S' 000-031' 18" W 983.43';thN"8'9"-I2"-I-I-"-W-2n..-38.!..:. to-TflOB; (Tract B of Short Plat #934) All that ptn of the SW NW 24-22-3W.W.M., daf: Commencing at the W 1/4 corner of sd Section 24; th S 890 12' I I" E alg the S line of sd SW NW 223.38' to POB; th N 000 II' 20" E 983.63'; th S 890 08' 36" E 221.08'; th S 000 03' 18" W 983' +- to the S I ine of sd SW NW; th N 890 12' I I" W alg sd S line 223' +- to POB; EXCEPTING therefrom the W 110' of even width and excepting therefrom road rights-of-way. . -- , ~ -e-- " #- ";11-/<1/ , ...d-aj., JUv"-'~ o(.~ J..t...r>'- ..~Ht~ 'I... Wi: y~~ 1 It! L .4'/1 uJ,. U '1 ![~ .... ,'j.J }I i \.---r<-I'-t;; ...,.. .l,~ '.-y& 0' et al: Hershal F. & Cham Sun McCormick H&W Tae Yong & Wuel Ae Kim H&W Seong Yeol Kim, sgl. .... .01