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Yu' File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS .;? 59 SALE PRICEJ Rd. Soh. Port PUO FPO - - - - ....s.g, 100'1'\' Earl A. S,7eet ) ~ 2 20 T l L - 111'-&- 7.. I>A (/.J .P . p- - FI 57 ,_ _ _, tJ-rJ ,!)-5 1.6'75(.l-- n-'. ~' -,." ;'-;::F~ - - - - ...5L. /1d1l4:;' .a." IJdt...# t/"il '%-4~-n':--; ,[- - - - - ,~o /%30 7'1 tJ J If: If; >>u pi, ~/S'OIt/ -l- . 1.11..<-<".1>,.'1;_ -' (L ~.~ (,,0 ..:I 11-15& '1'3 L&AA <7's -4f?, . f'- 0/0. ,) /1,poh , 0"3 d 'J "iF- t4- ,;7 \/1 ~.e J.. a. , ~~"o/3b I~, ~,"J A ^/ , If 2- ~ tJ2 t&f!&F~ . u: , ... ,/ ;}..() L .i. .J... L ~h 7"- I d'JI,.-z ..I r?.... "o/'1~ -+: .f. -./l / /, ,- v ~:~Y'P~ ~r ~'l-5;;.s / ;~ <10-1 L .3.- L L iL , . -:.",~:-:,.,~ I,.., /r/- I v ~fi. . '- ,d fV Mil, . f.. <LA'S?.!? '.3ooc) , %1 :335241 Q tl.t&.v 8/ttd tt-6'd 85-<3 - %fj 44'-2320 e,atfMU~ ./ OJ-rJV '8j ( !.M3 -r '3 ~ L Jf:. WD / ----~. ----~-----------~--~~---------------------------------~----------------------:.---- ~ .. ~ . " NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Yea, Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oylter Timber Unimproved Improyed Improvtmtnb 8.ofE. (Bulldlngt) VALUE ~ . '1 ' 9't.. ~::rn ~.:zGl I ~,?JYC , ?!l '7;;' . 9'~ ~;;2d 3tJ{J ~ 3-7/~, - -9(; . 9(", J'() /~7/) /5' S'o M. 3.7/ ./. (' .f(" .'h ~ /f'7o /7'-70 Id ~9</o I":; <7 r.tO fe3. /.5/ if, '" . 3<1 .31) .;!,O&W I ;;)11>1.':>:'0 ~. {-fJ .'It. J; .17 ./?' /"0'" Idao . " /.;;S-LJ 1/...1:5"~ ~ /.t:rL<:" /sZ..5 ~ s ?d ,'2/3", 3/.30 ?/ .s;, 01) ~ao ~ /dtJ '?(, /0000' 39f1'a' IS?fI'Ol # /~S;:40 P.:l.Rt> .;to?'.m .7~X( ./7 , ./1 =l t:J'7.5Zl' 1.2S'15 "~ffs l' (!:.() ....~o 9~o(J ~ ~- LO~ BLK. - SEC. TWN. RGE. ~(/13~ ~). ?? , '1'" ? nf' T.nt. 2 * & Tax 8?':l.A* ~'.::;',{ 'I .il ,.. """lI Bgn at apt on W line of Govt Lot 2. Sec 24-22-3~ l792~63 ft S of ! Sec corner between Secs 24 and 13. said twp and range; Thn S 28 aegrees 15' E 359.73 ft, more or less to Sly line of said Govt Lot 2 Thn SWly along Sly line of said Govt Lot 2, 245.11 ft, more or less to an intersectio~ with Nand S ! sec line of said Sea 24 Thn N along said ~ sea line 493.23 ft. more or less to pt of bgn Exoepting therefrom R/W aounty road. . /.J;1 ~~ 7 hi - :.._---'--- ..."'--I,,\i&;o_ . ~ , - -_ -, ,__, _. _O_n _-. __ .,____,._ --__ .,,_ ___ . *Ex. prt platted )j /V ~- /1- 91 (Shorehill Estates) ij~ 5.;23-/1,/ (J~ i~ f ' jL.:J-'ls~!5'/ w.ti I""~ /J){.7/ e'7J'-"'-'-- ~ ':7'- ~.> c,,-,~-&v.. .f4;<~,u.,) fl.( '''733 j ifIf4t~Z-tJ~ FulPit-l--. .Peep' Ff2fJH ~fftE't-Ire.e.. To bt.Ae/C., ~j(eeD lJe.eD ~fUM Si'rt.&.:'j) .~ ~ . ~ NUMBER OF ACRES UJ.J ~ 1 I VALUATIONS I I . . I ImprQ"'.mflnh B. of E. Year Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder TimbGr Unimproved Improved (Build;n..,,) VALUE S'J . 71.L.e ./7 , /7 t L.1QO ..zt. '-f 0 () '1.2 --I tJ 0 --- ---- - -,--- no I - ----- '--;------ --- ---- -_.~ f-, 1__- , -- --"- ----- -- . . --.- ----- -- - - -- I I - I i I --- --- i