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Vear Flit No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 'Ic, '1' SALE PRICE Rd. lle'. Port PUD FPD f,1605S I- - ..QL 8'i881 GeOrge W. Brouwer et ux .E.Anderson 2 20 T 3 ~ $12.500 Jl I1J.,iP 7 1:",,1]; 1"..-. 'I ~~ -/3/1hvwoL " . ///A"1 j -:;7/j - I- ;;:'d "A"-ytfl-tJ ~cc J-R /7 /1 -, 1-. . d-58D b<- t/ / 1/ - - - - - JdL .:2 .26 r :3... ..1. L !-f .;{ ~ 1. .d.. J. L. ~ III L ill I", 3 X- I - - - - - - - - - - - - - , . - - - - : - - - - . <I' _....,............."'. .. ,.- ~ . .--'-- '- - -~- ~ ......~'....._,.y"r ...,,", ~r ~- -..... NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Vear O1tter Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL OYlhr Tlmblf Unimproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE li . 3tJ . 3j' /;2,00 /~3~ ;{;;J,30 -" ....:l 'd /SPtJ /~9i!) _"'1'79tJ t.L ., .......... /-19tJ ~"19A ~ ~ ~ LI... "",I ~.s-7()' I"'" 2L ~- ~';-?'l; /",77", 2L '?~tJtJ .,3(. ?.5 //22S 2i ,~~ J'Ld()'o 1450 ;J47S"o 1!t- . !JII ,~ .:z,,::7~.o /tJ~ -<V~S2l> isL 7t. 50 0 :<1190 "171,,<;0 ~ LOT BLK. IEC. TWN. 40 ROE. ~l.h<1 ~I ;,a!olorJ.L] ... "')/. '1'1 "< 'I'~~ r>t- 1 _ ~ "r r,,,'rt- T,,,t, 1 & TRX ] 006-C-l ,L.j~ J.", ... ,.- - _/ W 100' of E 108.26' of Lot 1 lying Sly of County road. ---=--- - . --- - ~ -- -- - -- . ~ , -'L- --C' DISTRICTS ;;.;5 7 Va., File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE Rd'~ Pori PUOIFPD -- - ~ /7.:20// /k~/'?:r~ ,? t'b7Y-=,/y ;2. t1 1_2:: .:? i_ L d... 0- .2 . , j oJ ;-;::>~ h 1- 77,; 7..Yrr. --- - 1;;;- CLASS. FOREST / / , ;30357D Rf'l:W Nt ~'.l - - - - - tot '~~i .. : 11/, - ij-...,j'~ ~ L -~~ - - - -- .H _ .3&01" I- ' r2 1:' 1.L , PO", #? ;.~)O. G ::< 6/3 - - -- - ~rt 3?tJ/65 IV' ' " ~'H , lAo_ :U6.:26/7- / ! I- - - -- - - - I- - -- - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - 1- - - - .-- --- ~ -=--' ----.- . >>" " ,. -=-----=---------== , ,------ ~--::- ::p"- -.- --- I - / 1 NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Yoar Oyster Timber UnlmproYlld Improved TOTAL Oyster Tlmbar I U"'m'",~d Improved !Improvflmenh B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE Zl /c. _1/6 k,CJB </~; ~ 1'& ~- ';'1'0 ,~() 9'6.11 2L ..!!:.14.fJ) ..3,3 tfJ.o '!!L ~~; IIJ~g ~~-d() ~'Dt1 U. - o. "-"- 1t..1.f /t.. t/R ~Yt} I. 0/0 '&.. 70'S" 70S- . 11- FsS- JPSS- ~ 6'90 ~7() 1t..~9' li.t/.!' Rrt/{J /J1" 0 1-1: lIi'\..l": 11 , ~ I~'V- ; 9 /~,~r /~.f"k ~~ .4'VFO !1!l 3'()~ ~ (2.0 ~ t:'"'9 (. (;57(.1 3'f'17 lL --...::... -M- - ..-- /j -, ..::>,,/ A "> ro,/ i ~;L../ ?--~ / . /. ~ . /,1" - , - ,. -~- LOT BLK. , ~ ,:t t I I I '-y. -- I I I I "'--'~'-_~"l . SEll. TWN. RGE. : " ~""f 24 22 3 OI \iovt .Lot 1 -2.. ~ - - u-"'~v ~', I (:0,8,1 e''''~l ,. 4~// /~ I"" , ~ , T hat part of the South hal~ of the Southeast quarter of Section 13 and of L ,~ , ~ ,~~ - -~. ~. ' - " , } -' '~Q" '"' a s follows; beginning at the Northeast corner 0' Lot 1 in Block 2 of Cothary B ~ach as rec,orded in Vo:}.. 4 of Plats Page 49; thence South 62040' Best along 1: ' ft . ~, ~ r1:1102>..;1: ""rner of Lv" 21 Ll.Lto:.1.c..L.Lh ~, tp.ence North 8O/i0'1I.8" 1489.13' ; thence South 61030'42" West 739.53' to the :IE ~st line of the West 450' of said South half of the Southeast quarter of the Seuthea ~_ ;----4;hence ea3t alei'll!; said horth line 1:0 a poinL 100' """,L vi Ll,,, t bwnship line connnon to ranges_2 and 3; thence Southerlv narellel with said tpwnsnip line to the point of beginnging..except public roads if any. -,-..- ... ....... { .~, Year Fill NIlI. NAME or OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRICE Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPO -- I--- . - , , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .--..-.~ , --- .~--~------- ....- . ~ ---------.-:-"':--:...--:----;~ -",- ~.-_..- -:.:.- ------~~-=.-:::~-_:-_~~:::~:~:-;:.~..:(.,.---~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS y,,, Oyster Tlm~r U"lmproved ImprovH TOTAL Oyster Tlm~r UnImproved Imprond Improvemenb B. of E. (Bulldlnp) VALUE , , LOT BLK. - . l.~'" IlEC. TWN. RGE. " ~2L. ?? 1 p;-,- r.,,;- , /p;- L,,;- '()()h_~ >I< A r --:;.;;.=- '--- -. - -----~ * All assessed in Cothary Beach Trs. Tax $23, Exc. Tax 823-A , .'..,...- -------~-- -- - -,.- ,,;k-,.