HomeMy WebLinkAbout322237700100 T':;' I FH. No -r----"'''-'-----NAME of OW-;;;.-----I-..~ONTRACT;; 'd, ~i.!!!L ;~~::_~~~S I +~ J I ! I 1 j I 64 2~_2.'!..!J._ y/? Iter Sco1:t, Jr. et a I _ 2 ..91--r:..-2.-i-'~-f:-~ 12/7 ____ _, Ra I ph Scott et a I _ ___!__ i ~78_ ;~~t,:;--- Danny R. Schni ze L_+- 3/78 341535 .s..L1---- Ra i n i er Everqr en "" I ~~~ '77_ --1\ :A'VI...... I Y?..9_ ~7?~82_ ___,_.;;;()S:>(.,I James E. SJ,-eflL~t ux Ka hv -'-1 !J-i 'J??'2f? m~~ fSecA3 au / // I'JL..l If!.i 7..3 R L II SALE PRICE #5~75~UOO ""{" 7f)!f'P- #56582 ~~7867 U},-GOQ--- t,b.o ------+---'- ,-- +~ ~- -.-:~~BER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS . .; i?J -- . Year I Oyster Timbc!T I Unimproved Improved TOTAL r Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved Improveme/lts I a.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE ~ S.OtL 5:.0:L .Ra.:la .;zo.:w ~ -,- $000 ."'JOOO ~ .5 ()..2 .$ (),;z c:z I 00 0 ".2/000 - I. --- ---- - -, " - --- ,,--- --,- I - --,~._._- -- f----- I, -- -- -- --, -~_. 1-- - - .---- ----- 1--- -, -'---- -1-- - - u_ ---- I ! I ! I LOT SEC. BLK. TWN, RGE. 23 22 3 ~'3~7:,tO!O!1 ~qrb1 Tr. 0 urvey,.,)1'ft)2", If L/.259 _ /0" That ptn of W 1/2 of SE 23-22-3 West, W.M., particularly descr as fol lows: COMMENCING at the SW corner of sd W 1/2 of SE; th along the S I ine thereof, N 88054'44" E 1308.53'; th N 00014'29" W 906.55' to POB of the tr of land hereby described; th S 85019'47" W 503.80'; th N 03034'35" E 160.31 '; th N 45037" I" E 230.22'; th N 33052'1 I" W 444.42'; th N 62002'30" E 242'; th S 27015'49" E 732.85'; th S 00014'29" E 80', more or 'ess, to the POB; except i ng therefrom rd rights-of-way. .--~. - - -. # 4Z$172 : .5-/1. ~~N;U-L ~ER6eEeN -La-. TO 4T/Z<Jrb'-/T"lN J/T6ISca. a. Ze. ON' ......5~G€/i? i2<?NT/C.