HomeMy WebLinkAbout322237690030 -;::;- File No '-r--u~'-------N~ME of OWNER -! CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 2. 51- SALE PRIC;- -;;-;;;;;, ,",-"h SootH 0", Mott", J - :i:f :r, iLL" 62270 3/7JL ~3fLL __ ,Qan.'l\:: SchD.i tze -L--c-i-_I Ii 1156756 3/78 341535 _, Ra i n i er EveLgD ~llLln. ~ 1156582 - 315733r- re=-record) ~ l~7\ ,--- "-'-- -I ---1I65i 63 1164046 ;J,./Z 36431 ~~. . ' ..,V-> (,/ Su.s.aD--.C... -Krj~ >I + a ji 19000 ~M- ;:;;;~:'7J-jJ/dk!~'-~f.~h~ a,-- /< - _~59t~ __ h I&) --- --f---,- -- - - ---. I . NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Year Oystor TImber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL I I Oyder Timbu Unimproved I Improved Improvements I 8. of E. (Buildingli) VALUe /1/ 4qa ~98 197{) /97CJ 1'.2 ,;l tJ 'l,.f If ..20'1J'O 12. ""iL"..; ;.14 !dL 6~,{,O t - hL)~a f ---- ---. -, -, - -,-- --- ~ I -- --- ----.. - -- ---- --.---- -- - - I 1,_- -- -'- ----,- -- --- ---- --- 1,==1 . --- ---- -- -, ~--' - -- -- I - ! I ! 23 22 3 t31';j~ z! .~7J t.J~ kf;;\~(ol Trcct 3 of Survey 5/93 ex* d. ? <q, ,<9' "I LOT SEC. 8LK. TWN, RS" Tha~ part of 23-22-3W.W.M, daf: Beginning at the E 1/4 corner of sd Section 23' th S 880 55' 48" W 400.01 I to TPOB; th SOlo 31' 22" E 742.82'; th S 880 55' 48" W 297.15'; th NOlo 05' 45" W 742.80'; th N 880 55' 48" E 291.62' to TPOB. (Tract A of S.P.# 1145) The N 210' of that part of 23-22-3 W,W.M., daf: BEGINNING at the E 1/4 corner of sd Section; th S 88055'48" W 400.01' to the TPOB; th S 01031'22" E 742.82'; th 5 88055'48" W 297.15'; th N 01005'45" W 742.80'; th N 88055'48" E 291.62' to the TPOB. . .--~ EXCEPT: Tr. 3-A, 3-B, 3~C. 3-D # 1/25770: S./? I-/p-TR.O;OOL~TI9N /(;;;,v/~/<... ';::;c/i?6RPe-,v Lv':?-, To /In:; I Sea.. (2" _7de, o,{/ ~E6E' eT-'7"- et al: Susan C. Kriegel; minor Stan P. & Alice B. Kriegel, H&W