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Year I Oyster Timber I Unimproved Improyed TOTAL r L Oyder Timber Unlmproyed Impr:lvld Improvlmlnts B. of E. (BuildlnQi) VALUe - iL f-,--'- -- 12,28 /2. :z8 f%5' 5"~t. S- f,}.. 40 t.Oo rfat,oo 82: ~~ E~ -n, g 3S'lS .33S"</S- v - - 1--- ---- -- - ---, ,,- I 1-----,,,, ---- -- t__ -- --, -- ,==J -- ---- ----,- --- ---- -- - 1---- - ._---- ----- ~-- - r--, - --- ---- -- ---- - I ~._-- ! I ----'-r---------- ------ ~~ No_ NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 2$"'7 Rd, $ch. I P':lrt I PUD O=PD I I /- --I ! I , I I . 1 40 T 3 i 8 ! L i H i i- .Lj_I__ I nc.._ _I____I_L L_-tr-- L i=~ 61 JJ)]789 6lliJl. & Orr:i n 3/79 l'??9?.L__ 4il5!_ .35.9li.74____ 2/8Q_ 372987_______ Sande!t~__ gan!:l.Y R. Schni ze ~____Bainl.Ar FVA.r:g.r >An Lft5l1D Robert L. Fink _..._-,-------, -,-- ---, -----, 1---,-- -- -- -L.. . VALUATIONS I I NUMBER OF ACRES' LOT SEC. BlK. TWN, "Go. 23 Tract 10 of Survey 5/93 22 3 SALE PRICE #16800 #62198 #62422 fl61013~ $29950 . 6,fCJ 4..2 s,,: 5"9: 10 (See Re-record Survey 5/134) AI I that ptn of Govt Lt I in the SE 1/4 23-22-3W.W.M., daf: Commencing at the E 1/4 corner of sd Section 23; th S 880 55' 48" W 691.63'; th SOlo 05' 45" E 1696.65' to POB; th S 89030' 00" W 658.99'; th S 00014' 29" E 938.71 '; th N 890 51' 54" E 385.39'; th N 160 28' 02" E 518.19'; th N 340 I I' 42" E 544.07'; th S 890 30' 00" 'Ii 183' to POB; EXCEPTING therefrom road rights-of-way. . .'~--- -- ,... .- 31-/ / $' E 6- -ti:n- 5';:L V..r FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS .:? 57 Rd. Soh. Porl PUD FPD ' SALE PRIC~ ~ Walter S. Scott S'l/../ '311~ 71 f. 0 fin r:--I d~ ~ f.A- /.d ~tJ:?1I// !;)djJjlp-o/~ ~, &? /~ CLASS FORJ!:S1' 7;;- 30~~f!. llCW!I4.3.1 ':J.h, Ut 311'15'.5 ffLs./;di3:> ft>-o ""=':"0' 'EO I .'-.~.. . ~'j::; ~41Y 2 20 T:2-_ L SFb IIJLJ.. d-;" .v+'~ f' I-- ---- '" . ..J)S)t? S:Y H? '" ... .,:2/900 "/"'G>/ld I", f I-- -0 .;;' 2Q r ~:1.J,.g ~F-Li 12 q'O~ T 3 ,? LW ~A^ ).h,.!t d 41/.. L 'p i 11 "It-, 'rJ,! ~ I I- " ~'-'P 'P,!:ib 157 << l::)b~. ) I-- ----- -I-- -- 1---- ~' .. .- - -'~._--_._---------------- -------------- - ------ - ----- - -- -- - -------_._--~------_...._-- ---- -:--:...:., ""'--- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS - , of-' Year Oyat.r Timber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Order Timber UnImproved Improved Improvemenb B.orE. (BuildIngs) VALUE ,3 .35':/7 3s;o /70 /'/'o 1+ :3,<::NJ ,?..:f Of) .;160 ;;<60 ~ 35:00 35: 0 c :-q/o 3/0 '4 .~J>o 390 /ft- ~c'?" f?"5 "/?S" ,,. rL " , ,", 'I7S" / tJt:"o /5,;),5" .. 'Z " ~iJtJ ~a~ tis I~ 15"" /1J.5'tJ ~ ..~, ~%, <90 I"'l/~~ ;;J..I9ti '!L - 'I.3'? (') 4S.6'ZJ ~ (If'/, t:!'~ . ~ 4'"tU> d/s:~ zI .37/J . ~.s;,/) " 31' '0 r~ 1/~11% - '74 t) 0 ~~~O) ~ s. "'?!ES'R , ':{ t;'1Jj; L:;,s:-~o ~~ /~~~ -,IlCW ku ' 'If /Sb.c;- I~~ ~ 17 I/J'.;zo /,r ..:to LOT, SEe. BlK. TWN, .' - , ROE. n-rn-rrrrn:o ~., ?? ':l NW SE * - ~:->/./"'-"Jii~ .~~.:..... Il""" . -. .-. - --"",.,..,---- .:, Ex. Tr. 2 -~ ~2.3 -'i'S,/ ," -----.-"." a< _.._-~- ~-_. ---- .- - .'~.~.. IJ~ NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS , Yur Oyster limber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL Order Timber Unlmproyed Improved lmprov,mlilnts II. of E. (Buildin(5) VALUE E ~S~: . FORE.S'! J3S.6 a 3S.., "0 J f'jlJ /e<j()l 19 fl.:J. I~ . ;., " - IIH 1100 ~ I}(j - ~"!"()' 3Sooo y~ 10/000 /t/ tJ" (j Ell (!.o 1<1 -B- ~ .e- e- ,-- -- --- --, -- - --- - ---- - +---- - ~ :tv.. c-' ~, sAJ';)__ ~. 'r-' ~~41 d / , I