HomeMy WebLinkAbout322234100041 Y.at FU. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ,;?!O<f SALE PRICe ( COP ,,!qqO/'d- Rd. lloh. Port PUD FPD - - - - ~ 111740 Fred A. Straub et ux 2.. 2Q.... ....T. .3- - .L.... 6(; ~'%'1/ ICh,~/ --#L ,#. . , 1n/J - - - - r:;, 5"00. ( I.\rl,n ,,-.. ILl! .i;;;-, L;Z ~y; 3ii ~ - - - - /000> " II II " / I,.f' /, 1.1..< iJ9ooo. f-- - ~() ',f/f''lh.t ,#~. '/J R ~- ",..../h " 'V - - - - - ~ 1%x 35j,f/b ~ Pl!/~.Ann pl#(;Y", ~) !:JI/(r() .;< 2c2 L .d.. L L 1:i #,f"'f':</ fj I I~ iPJ. 1- d.. .1. L ;J .II L 1Ll :I.. 3- ..!I. ...b. i:L - - - - - - - - - - - - -~--.:~::.:_-:...._--:""---_.._--------:--:-:-,----------: 7----;-----=-------'-----7~-~----~-..~t.. ..; .,.,--- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyater TImber Unimproved Improved Improvemenb B.ofE. (BuildIng.) VALUE 7'3 ,'10 ''TO /0 /0 il .'l.IJ <7 50 5"0 , /C) a ..... I'c;"Z kCJ /"0 'lC.. ~ O~ /aeJ /.;;, () , ~ /.2~ /,;z /) /A"'~ ..;2iD ~. ~ ailCJ d~lJ ~t; .9b' ,9'tJ ctJl.t/O '~Vo 52 /0 10 . LOT BLK. _...l...-._ ~.' SEC. TWN. ROE. ~, ?? 1 'PT'. L.._A "f 'PT'. L.. inNE SE & Ln-t. 1 ,Iy'~-~ ~ That certain portion of Tract B of Plat of Cady's Sunrise Beaoh aooording to reoorded plat thereof in offioe Auditor of Mason Co. Wash Vol 4 of Plats, p. 8 and of the SE~ NE~ of SE! of Seo 23-22-3 as follows: Bgn at apt N 34 deg. 19' E27.65 ft. distant from interseot of SEly line of Tract B and base line reoorded Plat Cady's Sunrise Beaoh Thn N 55 deg. 41' W 500 ft; Thn N 34 deg. 19' E 80 ft; Thn S 55 deg 41' E 500 ft. ' Thn S 34 deg. 19' W 80 ft to pt of bgn. Exc Co. Rd. And further all l~nd owned by grantors lying within parallel lines prOieoted on and from the siaes of said lot oontinuining N 55 deg. 41Y W ' '~ .,--. - ~...~. . ...'_. . -;~--:'~--- ;.. .. ... --- - '~'--e.:2 I C\ '-J Year FII, No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ..;r5 '7 Rd. 8ch. Port PUD FPD SALE PRICEl -5Z 120'10' 05 &,t> 4"183.1/-1-.S1t- ll.1.2. 356410 '/79 357584 Hilton B. Gardner et ux 1~7,n t!d~:' &"ri if ~ :tu.- -.;J. t.h~. , 2 20 T ...2..._ L bFI "7,}1 . '};z,.., 1- 3 _-'=-i:L ? 02017-=5 S L JL Vi /.1. ,(18~ .d.. f031 7 3 ,f c II In~nn"vD Orhn; ~J,- ....5-03 Rainier Everqr en Inc.____ ~I I ~.J.... 3 2' L /I ~ IJ ,,,, yo 6".;S;5> :"?tM'i' t~~~g4 #61768 --f---- ----- ---~_._..;.~_!._-_.:_.__...... -"':- _:..- - :---...."';-_._--:- -~- -------------------- _.:. - -- - -...... ~- --- ~- .. ~ .--_. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oytt,r Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved ImproV*t ImprovementJ B.ofE. (Bulldlnlll) VALUE 5'3 '<,7 <7 d,79 30 t:Td , , 21- ~.79 ,...1, '75' .50 5'0 t.t. " I~ ~IJ 4tJ ut '7'/), 9'~ S; , 2tv. ~" /f/J VJ'~ ~ /R/) /?e; :to,,% 3~() 3~6J 'It 366 366 ?~ d..79 ~,?9 3~() 3~6 -' -, BL L:..;... -.--=' ~- '- , - , 17 ...5;:.,../ ~ / , )p ~ /- /./ !!1 I LOT, BlK. SEC. TWN. ROE. ..~ ~- ~1 22 1 Tr. ~-B of Tr. ~ of NE SE -"-/2_,.r:::;;;;jj JII"" "lllIIl All that portion of the NEt of the SEt of Seo 23, TWp 22 N, R3 lying between the NElyand SWly side lines of the first above descr tract produced NWly to the W line of said NE~ of SEt except therefrom, however, any portion of said lot above described land in the ,NE of SE which may be S or W of following line to wit: .Bgn at a point on the W line of said NEt of theSEt660 ft S of the NW corner thereof; Thn E 660 ft; Thn S 734.10 ft to terminus of said line. ---:-:.s.'--- ---~...-- ....-~.--. ._~ . .-- -- - ~--- - ~-_. . ~ .-.~- d &V---- /;t..~~ ;'. '6......[0<.-' % .J ',<."~ V ;'- - r ' ;~~ tL- /~-<l4"__ / d