HomeMy WebLinkAbout322234100040 Vur File No. NAME of OWNER CDNTRACT TD DISTRICTS ..;l ~9 Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD SALE PRICEl ~ Allen Peyser 65' /.!t7//S' ~ fi /" /. ~ "",!J..,u:/ ,,.,// l..- I' A ... ...~o:. POnS'!' 7'i: 3o~5;l'? ~ 84033 ~f' f///'7';'4 ' f'1 Mlff;t1J3',j"~e.lo ):::> R :;;:,I~';JV ;"lJ /~ ~J;:;-'7~:< 7?M~;'''. 1A>-f~O~~ 2 20 T l L SF .;tf~'710 6' """ /..~-oo - , l;z ,;20 :t:...3-LLJi 2... J;"31 / :1 % L-.IL #~rs:b _#,4b.60.,u'/t "" sloSlJ 2.- c- G; YI .L 41131'/ 31,f ...b..1 fI 1>>1:J I- -I-- - -f-- --~-_":':''-------':_---------------------------7-------'------'------=-----=~,--- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyder Timber Unimproved Improyed TOTAL Oy.tet Timber Unimproved Improved lmprovemenb B.afE. (Buildings) VALUE 9. :U..31 :2...'- 3/ ):30 /8CJ ./;-; ,.?h.3/ .1b.3/ .200 .;( 00 " ~ ~-5~ .;15/5 t,'l , ""A_ 795' 1P. ~ 1-. /5'9~ /.5!jo ()~ 1L . ?R7t) ?R'1o it;9O ~ ~9ti S'?'.?o [i .;l9~ .g.:JP!:; 36?c . , 110"% 657$ 65"75 - 'IS... CLASS. l''UltEST ;).t..31 ~t..31 /(!!.;1.S ~tp,.::l4 RC\\ 84.33 , ~ //3t> //.3~ '/1 /37" /..-5' 7 (!) " ~:- _,;.,c \I;=n /4:l0 ,~/ '16 12- f?;). 'I:. 'Ii :4.31 I.:l '-3 I I/AOt' . .~~ 19 136/'.3:.6 - 'attR3:. ~ LOT. BlK. ~... . 5=:' SEC. TWN. RGE. ~/~O:OP.i~ ~ -41.2"'~ , ?? < 'l'1", ), "f' NR em ,..- ~ Bgn at the t sec cor on line between Secs 23 & 24, ~~p 22 N, R3 Thn S along sec line 876 ft; Thn S 55D41' E 260 ft; Thn S 34019' VI 100 ft; Thn S 55041' E 300 ft to shore of Hood Canal; Thn S 340191 W 700 ft along shore of Hood Canal; Thn N 557411 W 813 ft; Thn N 734.10 ft; Thn W 660 ft, more or less to W line of NEt of SE! of said Sec 23; Thn N alo~g said W line, 660 ft, more or less to mv cor of said NE! of SEt of said Sec 23; Ihn E along N line of said NEt of sE! 1320 ft, more or less to said ~ sec cor and the point of bg~, said land being situ~te in Govt Lot 4, Sec 24, Govt Lot 1 and the NEt of SE~ of Sec 23, TwpPy, R3, WWM, includ all td lands of the first and 2nd class abutting on property herein- above described. Also the N 200 ft of Lots 43 & 44, all of Tract B, and all of Lots 45, 46, 47, 48, 49 and 50 of Plat of Cady's Sunrise Beach, Mason Co., Wash. recorded in Vol. 4 of Plats, on p. 8, records of said county. This said description of the lots or portions thereof of the said'Cadyls Sunrise Beach Addition is also included in the metes and bounds description in the preceding paragraph, and is added to this deed to ampl1fy,the description of said property. Exc 4B EXl2Epr TRS /N SUR-...""! 5/9f? .' - --, " -- - '..... -. -- =::;:: C~___ --n..___~-Ii<.~~ - , :::~-' ~, " Ex.Tr. 4 A &: B ~c.~, .0\ _ ~/J ~.,.. , ~ /iJ/& ~ ~ /-r' 1 . --~.......: ~d--r ~<-wf~~ ~_L~ ,. ~-,~~",-, -' - ~ I I I I I I' ~. .'~NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS Ve.!lr Oyster I limber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL r I Oyder Timber Unimproved Impr~....d Improvemllnts I B. of E. (BvildinQs) VAlUe a ---- -, :l.h.3/ ~.$/ C.O /t)sllol /"S~o iL .tjb .~ /P.~ / A>.s- %L -, - fOOD - J' {YO 0 -- -, - -- --- - I ----~-~ --- .---- ---- -, 1__,- --_.- , -- ~._- ---,- --- - 1--- , ,=1 un -----f-- -..-- r--- - --- -, -- I -.---- I I I