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Vur File No. NAME of OWNER CDNTRACTTO \ DISTRICTS :<,,5"'7 Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD 8ALE PRICE! /../ - -) -F /3 ?"c: 2 SF ------~- $ 2;2.0 3 g L '-JL_ ZL yo] 1:.....3.....%...1::.. tl- ff/ -L!M.1 ..3....L L iL_ .' -------~ Ii. ---------------------_._--~----------------------.--------_._-------~-_._,...'--- , NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS ~-..... ---' ~ Yeer Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. (Building.) VALUE n /0 30 4Lo ...50 '10 a 3~Cl /3/0 0"> / t),;Jt) ;;1- L,L(J,dd .;)0 '7'CJo 0~O 1'fL Ei'CJ ./&I,d,/) 5, I/}, th1 '1/},00 /It). 0 c) %'0 ;00 "'-:30 /#%0 S] 10,00 3D,ao IjJO.o 0 g'o 900 530 /510 irLL /0,00 30,00 c./-o.oo to 900 .500 / ,t,i,fo .i,'~ . 7,./0 30,00 39'.. j/i/2J ~o '10-0 ::? 97 [) 397 G> t'" l..: ~ /p,t) // .:25 -S7-i''< !If/. () ~ If;; bdJ" ~7o 1/,,15 37;S' -5180 ~ Ib-",,, ~~ 70/'.90 / () .;I.d"O 2L - 1///7tJ .- ?~/b /;Phhd !l1 ~ I~ tfJ. I:~f; E,J,~O '7?i1O /5'75b ~ :lESll ~NA' 17' ( . //.;,.,f)b /?~ .3~tJ . ~ //t) /..2S .:1. ?s 'l!L 1;-"" 7.0 - ~r;;l t) 3.;Z6 'is 1/~..pD /O.e>&J ...5!j'o .3?~ LOT. BLK. SEC. TWN. ~. 22 "3 - ~~' . ~3~3.21c::>:O~SIGNATEO.' 'l'.,..o~",?"f'>lW!1W /fi7<J..:."j RGE. ro' ,-, All that portion of the NW SW lying NW of River EXSEF'I' 'FliE F6LI;6WI~~ Beg J.t!~ at )he,i:;;tersection of the S line of NW SW and the meander line of the TahUYa~'v r; t~ce~ along said meander line 150' to I.P.; thence N 220 W, 300'; thence E 36 ; ence/N 60/E 230'; thence N 450 W 280'; thence N 330 E 500'; thence N 74030' E 23~'; ence S 300'E to the meander line of Tahuya River; thence SW along said meander linE to LP. 40/.)&--;0 .T;K~<Z..-,.- /~,X.I"{}'N /.r ~:- -0&"'1/': .d--Xe>~ClA....l) '. --.-. - -. , -- ... ~-;; ,.$j; '{ , ~ /. . -~ ~tv<J ~ --- ~.-.::-~. u I I I I -~,,-, --. NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS ,S"O Ylar Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Impro....ments 6. of E. (Building,) VALUE lDES T~-Qp - % ~!\r It /().Ol; ,/30 o/'.g ti -"I '~i'"\ '1'1 j;-~o .s .:l- t:J 'II sl/o ,sfo '7ft ..L/!J..o 0 /0-00 S/o -S'/D ,fc -rl/, I ~ /lj , 5' ~ /6, 7' u /'06 (;,00 ~f &30 b 3~) 8v DEe ?as- %tJ.s- ~.3 --- ~SC) rPs: u X'f 1-- f(,o fC,o t:5 10. r;o lo.qo ~50 950 - ---. - (,