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Y..r File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ..:?~7 Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD . SALE PRICE! ~ 10627)1 w. E. Harned ~1&//9't> ~Jh-, :,a. CJn. ,/ 6.5- :</~/i1 ~P!; .<,+- ~ A rL./. I !de.. tJ f~ .A CL/1 #:/ ;f ///n 0 2 20 TI>; L ,:>FI f-"'- .~ f-;.t./~3?d 1...../.... '"7 ;;;. ;Lo zJL _ 1-- j.). ;Z 1M. r12 Y Lit d..'/Q3. f ~J.....LJi !II 1-'1103 "7 e. 3 gLL 1L ---- I- ----- _.-,=_ ' ~__ ______:._____~_..;.______ ____n_ _____ _n n __n_ _ __n __ _ __ ____ :-::_: __:;,_~. __.____ ~ ... I 1 . - NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS ~..Pd Y.., Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Impro'red Improvements B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE ~ 5:0(, ~"f, ,;2..0 2-d ~ .). /)/) 1),00 50 5"0 LJ ..:: ~% ~~ ~tJ ~ ....LS71J /56 'll ,5 3.;7., l;>cO n .300 ~ IlSho /506 /~ !10cd 'SOOt} 7J... SOOt'} 3t:JotJ l!l 5:.0{) _. /;OI1()O I~~i!l~ tft fJ() 300d 3o,e'1 ~ 5.(>0 5,t)6 /.50od /6"1160 \ LOT BlK. ._- SEC. TWN. ROE. liIi1irn ~~ l~~;~o~ ~. --9' /..if~ ~2 22 1 WJ. sw sw SW