HomeMy WebLinkAbout322192400020 DISTRICTS .;;;. 5' Rd. Sch. Port pun FPD - ----- 55 58958 Kenneth, Rothlein et ux ..l ';;0 r.....i__ L -2L 15912( Rohly H. Larimore et ux _ ___ :CS- JD!37X' 'fB.;z. .;u;~3.. L 1/ lliL 35'(" g f0.1, j i.l ,1';' < n" Lj1jV ,,? ;).0 T 3 2 i- II 67I7d//// r // ;b.; iJJJ,^T,-./J.., .;< ~o31..:t..d..L~Li. ~~.F0=';<C bill? iq0;9~ "":P,571J/4?,Dt!-, .v'2.IM~h- <-1;\#::./ ..a &i~ \} j7''''~::::>~~ !US:J'It.tp{"j kd.&-C A-!JJ.dty S'f I ~I-'l 3 ...K...kJ1L ""-<d9~ L __L Year FIle No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE $6,400.00 ----..:: ~..- -.------------- --- -~. . ,.~~. " ''T'~ VALUATIONS Year Oyster Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved Improve enh (Bulldl gs) 8.ofE. VALUE -62 t';"< g ~oore. .ffl- .!Z- ili2 ,(f) OJ. fo i:L .C,O/.( (,..!t. M ~ ~. ~ '1(;; //2 /0 /0 /0 /() /0 41.Q ~SO .fr .-Ld p,lct) 9' ~ ~ 50 ~~ 0 ~-oo cPoo L/Iy. '.;:J I:J,RJ 100 L/q. r'l /.:wt> Roo 57 b /370 Roo q:3f> /'7.95' .LtJtJl) ././Jf, ~/7CJ_ ~.I//?~ dl.5i';"LJ ~th'tJ ~ "', D ~-61t2.- d> _:... 1/ ' (1 (1""? ~ .g'tJ(JP c:J9,;J;'I; ~. ". h,j/J(t) ..s;p~ i;;I/.f'sa ~.5"Po J...A 1.,0;, 4'60 ...-~.~ -- ~% . Ij'T SEC. BLK. TWN. RGE. }'jJi1~1~ ~~ ~ <( ~ 0 'ot 0 ~ZJ01 Tract 2 of Govt: "Lot 1 -1 T/ -'"/ ~.I/"; ...;j I...lg 22_ "\ r-~ .... Commencing at the SE corner of Lot 3, which is identical with the NE corner of Plat of Sportsmen's.Waterfront Tracts at Bald Point on Hood Canal; Thence S. 880 26' W. along the S. line of Govt Lot 3 and the N. line of Plat of Sportsmen's Waterfront Tracts, ~85.54 ft. Thence N. 40 23' 25" West along the Wly R/W line of Co. Rd. 454 ft. to the initial point of tract of land hereby described; , Thence continue N. 40 23' 25" West along the Wly R/W line of Co. Rd. 80.83 ft. Thence S. 810 7' 30" \vest 42.03 ft. mil to the Wly line of Govt Lot 3 Thence Sly following along the Wly line of Govt Lot 3, to a pt. thereon which is S. 8P 7' 30" IV. from said I.P. Thence N. 810 7' 30" East to I.P. CORRECTED DESCRIPTION: Beginning at the SE cdlrner of G. Lot 3; thence N 1036'55" W 45\+', along E line of G. Lot 3; thel'.ce parallel with S li1"e of G. Lot 3, N 89"45'25" W 571.2" to center line of a county road, as is existing, ana being the I. P.; thence along center line S SC'36 , 26" E 52.09 I to a point on said center line, being a projection of a fence line S 83"'01'56" W to Govt meander line; thence lfdly along said meander 1ine to a ~oint which bears II 89045'25" 1;T from 1. P.; thence S 89"'45' 25" E to 1. P. . -:-:;::. - '.' , ---->. ~ ......;,,". ...li" "'" ." ~ LLLJ u -. .. ~ . -- . -- ~. - - .. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Y.ar Order Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyst.,- Timber Unimproved Improved 'mp ovements B. of E. (S Hding,) VALUE - Z!i ix;;f/ DR .DR 'It! 0tJ() 1.:7l I IS-O ~,p /S'O 11~ a.o. ~. /~f"l> 399d&> ,f.:z ,o.? . oJ> /tJ35oo .;? '.3d-5 13/ ,p:zS ~ . l.8/~ r,H I~ '-/. ItJ3StJCJ .;:l Ooe) I;) 3 500 () - . '- .. - --~. t I I I