HomeMy WebLinkAbout322187500200 r- rill/ail JJE..5(1./2,.. YM~ I -Ale Ne>_ -.r----~-..---~;AME of OWNER 319173 4'77 322466- 9 Hood Canal Hiqhlands FI/7$., ' ,AC ~5C7b <37 ilJ.j 352954 /N ' *- J(,/7l'l __ tO~I~~O'1nA_ ~.La .:%L.v4i~ ,,~f'. 5:W! L (~ ') -+----- .. .. ~ .~_. .. ~.." '/ff tjt1 25 ~;z. g:r CONTRACT TO prises Ce turion Enter- DISTRICTS 2.~7 Rd. ~I!'Z!L pu~ I fPO I I . I I' L 40' T ..ll 8 [ H I I Ray Egner ).1.. .. e. f.' J/ ..j.. ,,/2 ) J?/ I If,lA? I ~ J? L fI NUMBER OF ACRES I TOTAL I ./22.L Timber Unimproved Improved -,-- c--- ------ --,----- - lOT 8LK. ~c. TWN. .sa ~'? 22 3 set") ...s: ,f () .s:0'(JJ ---- ------- , " r./nrJ Oyster limber 14", l, t:!=,;( 7'1 iJ --- r-' (!.o ... .-~.~~ ..~ . .. ,". . ....~ ,. . ~ -. ,-_. VALUATIONS Unimproved Improved -, - ,";7 :.l.o R.R" 5100 I Yo 0 0 R/1otJ , i Lll.zl~.1J~/":t":$"2R.1dH t'1 dl Tract 20 of Survey Vol. 3/17-18 -, SALE PRICE -~6G~~?-- W P-$400,OOO ", ~ '*"6a/S"'.s- '<"f'.5"'6 <" #' (;J'J Jt. '// _77,r, ""-7E-077 ~ 73,;t91 -H- ?~ :.r..L..3...-.. ~, .~, N) Improvemenh S. of E. (Building,) VALUE /97S ~?d"o _S-.?Cl 0 I f! 000 R tJCJd 4000.':201, ,... That ptn of the E 1/2 of 18-22-3W.W.M., daf: Commencing at the SE corner of the NE 1/4 of sd Section 18; th N 10 25' 30" E alg the Eline thereof 698.31'; th S 850 57' 48" W 908,36'; th S 320 58' 16" E 400' to POB; th cont i nu i ng S 320 58' 16" E 137,33'; th S 610 09' 22" E 232.68' to the beg i nn ing of a curve to the right having a radius of 80'; th SEly, Sly.and SWly alg sd curve, through a central angle of 120.03' 19" an arc distance of 167.63' tap of tangency; th S 580 53' 57" W 338.40'; th S 35000' 00" W 215'; th N 36022' 40" W 477.92'; th N 510 20' 38" E 531.77' to POB. -..-:....i:..: :.)/.J8~~-=-~ .J ~ "'.. .;J.c. /. .J?", .... -..~.....~-;.~~..,..""'. ~