HomeMy WebLinkAbout322181290030 ,.... ""l Year File No_ NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ,-".1-5''1 1 S'AlE PRICE Rd. Sch. I Porf PUD I FPD I I 52 114808 Earl L. Nelson et ux 2 403 T 3 8 L H ...2.2..... 155719 Esther Dav Nelson 8( ~ "T ? L ~ 1L ~ 7/ /},,-/ (?..,r "'..." .d , ,,;1';''/''-10 / 1t/7J ;Z tJ//.J.! 1'.'# ,1),j-?" (7/" /. jJ . ,.io- ..<'&9&/t; f.J./H :1.:iS 7'-11 / ~.Ii.J ai, ," ,,,-J.. I Jt.3 8 /~".j 1//17 3J.1~tJ/ 7'}'iA~' b J.V tV/- //../, A, II I< V" U I) II '7/1:1 S>ll1n (!.~y7, -/;~ !!I, 1//")' -D , v (/ I ._-~~~. . ~~. NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS Year Oyster TImber Unl",!proved Improved TOTAL I Oyster' limber Unimproved Improved Ilmpt'ovements I B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE - Ii). .f}, 00' 5~o /5 /'{'5 /00 .;< tf 0 53 - /(,,5 360 I';' ";<"'0 ~ 9.70 9.70 30 330 /oCJ /c.o ~tJ q, 70 9.70 30 330 /00 f'"c, 0 /..,(; - 330 /00 </30 &1 / ,?/.<; .;:? 00 ;Lo/5 Iv~ :73-1{, .:? .:; '7/) .'3/10 c2570 t7 .2cfP5 300 31 I? 5' 70 5"" tJ 17,., 57,f'0 hOO /,.,3-?o , 7/ h'_ S.s 4 51.5 /.237r; /... /J '" /.d1 7"7.5 1/ '1'9 --G- -0. 7.2. 1/237.5 730 /3/~.'-; 7~ -e- -er- "0- 7~ /:231'7 jq/J 1:3 / IJ<" 1'1- 10-0 % ;<tj}~ '7"tytD ;CJ3<Jo LOT sue. SEC. TWN. -'-'""to "" ,-. RG~ ~2,.11 i~ I ~ '9'I~ 7 m~~__ ~..J.. '7.- ""J:' n ,_...,.......... T,.....L. A .0, m~..,_ r\C::::r'I , "",J'" ......_? .... ,..... I ., Formerly: Tracts 3-4 of Kerr's Hood Canal Waterfront Tracts S 1651 of N 495 I of Govt Lot 4 &.- S 16~ I sf N geO I of Gu, L Lu e- 4 FORMERLY: Tract 3 of Govt Lot ~ & Tax 950-A Now Tract A of Short Plat #1~59: The N 1/2 of the S 165' of the N ~95' of Govt Lt ~, 18-22-3W.W.M., lying Wly of the North Shore Co Rd #7039, EXCEPTING road rights-of-way; ALSO all tidelands of the 2nd cl formerly owned by State of Washington a.s defined by Chapter 255 of Session Laws of 1927, sit ifo, adj to or abutt upon the above described upland. . ... t. ..--" ..- -. ~~_.--= . ~- ~/ .~--..~ Fd~ ,... ...... .~... .... .... =J 1- - -=.~-_. ;..~-- --it I+I=J+H-r-I --. --- - -~.. . ....c _ .. . .... _ NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Year Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Order Timber Unimproved Impro....d Improvements 8. of E. (Bl.lildin951 VALUE !If ..),15 4ls J,b.2Sb /7'" ... 3r~11J If~ ~" Yw~< - J~"f~t'J IJQ - CO" .:It.:2.5:t:. 31~L.l! 6/1/0 gd. '-1.%5 1_( 1f.5 /tfj'.50o 1n,?J" 70 17.237(J StJ 5E6 - . ,68 .6~ 6/"'~ %37; 97625 -----. - - - --- - - I I