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,.... ~ ~ Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS d~-<J I SALE PRICE 1->, . Rd, Sch. I Port PUD~ I I~M?qS .PS,5>o ~2 Frank Roi et ux /(~I JU 2 40' T 3 8 L H s /,0 107759 s",,~__ 3jg3 '1/35"13 rt.71. 1/ i 'f41 l ..3.. L .L iL - I I e-.. - . - ... ....--- - . . - --- -_.- - - - " . . - - -"...... NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUAnONS Yellr Oyster Timber Unimproved I Improved TOTAL I Oyster Timber Unimprov<ld Improved IlmPfovemenh J B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE fi.J. 5.00 ':;:0 0 /5" //,~ ~?) ,;;.130 ";:i .5 tJ t) 5{)~ /.0 /t.5 /30 .3 /CJ ')q "'/~ 0 5;;00 /"> / /, .;' /30 :3/0 , /!>5 ~fJ -e- /:<'0 .;;;.95 ~/ /""/J .;l';;;~ f'J7 ..f>- ~t, 1d'5~ f/..:;t:;' ~J5' ///0 ~7 . /..;/4'0 ,;25.5 /Sd5" '1'" ko~ !)t/1!'o 570 3~S-CJ '1/ /dl3R/1 S?o ./d2.2.5Z; ~ / d.3Rj";) '" 0 .5 1:I9SJS 7J loo"'k I. '_ / c2/0 dlsY-ZQ. ~ N/R.5lJ /LJOO ISJ?SO 1. 5: Of) 5:./'J/i - , ,~.c I-- ..3:>9.<:- S7Y'.:? " '11; 1 ' .11. ~ ~J &'3(,,:/.5 5Jr:t;?S S59 t, 0 'i9 .1 ~ -, " e-O 1 ,...........-:: /,(Joa /~ ;f'sD v .:so ";;:"'18 22 'I rpr~ ~t. A nT (f('lvt T,nt 4 It- -1'HY" qSO 'F' '" ' .1'", ._. i _I' ;, *,:-<fruiilrlt..:lUi. ..~~. ..d~ '"r&i~<; 1 !,/W'"'' .,W" .ad:" ',/, ,- ..... .1-/ t'>!'\5f;~ lOT SEe, BLK. TWN. RGE. bJ;~z', r~ "2:o'dol/fa ... Formerly: Tract 8 of Kerr's Hood Canal Waterfront Tracts S 165' of Govt Lot 4 -~~. .. - .. ~------- --- __ 0-- _ _. 1 .._~~~~~;;:::: . ~ " . "'" ~ e:. LJ - ~--~-- I I I --~e NUMBER OF ACRES I. I VALUATIONS rear Oyster limbor I Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder limb.r Unimproved Imprtl....d Impro....m.nh B. of E. (BllildinQs) VALUE ~ -. .5:00 5. 00 7t> 1:;.5 -'/7(.0 71( R/? 'i g:3 ~ .J 51- 1/1" / 'I iJ':<!;;. '/7~ CJ :l,/g.f~ ~ ~ .I:'.o 0 e. u, .;z9S- 1'1 t7:? 5' ~7t,d /'1tJfO 2'1 ,," A Lt, ,( f>6/oo /'l-O;;(S <f7b 0 7~';>,fs--- it- (!... 17.,. . 30Cl l'ftJ:..S l/76o / 'lots- --- '1, -- f--- !"n:/A-f. >.:t 16(0 fOO /L(().;).5 t./7~O 7 (,j?fs- f,5 4~ 5.OV tJA-.L tyj5 "./,')tJ t:, tl7{oO /1010 -- --- -- I - -- ----...- - 1__- - -- h- I -- -.- - ._-_.- ---- . ~- - - I -. I