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r- ~ Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS d/,<7 I SALE PRICE - Rd. Sch.1 Porl PUD FPD I - 52 Frank Roi et ux /tmD 2 403 T 3 8 L H ~ if; ,51"0 '!-.It, ??/ / 1<10 ~ 'T :? -R .l:. Ji - . . - . .~ ~.. .' ,_ ~":"".O' VALUATIONS ~ NUMBER OF ACRES LI Year I I Unimproved I Impt'ovements I B.ofE. - Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL 9vster Timber Improved (Buildings} VALUE 5'), 135' 935' 30 33/J 3&0 !it:; tJ.~ c: t?, "1<" 3/'J 330 '300 /,,( - 330 330 (" 1,00 &[,0 1..& 7.!>~ L7~ p;:< 5" t7 /~5'O /C,5"o 70 "4~ 3300 33"0 71 l.:t4?S',; .;}~7.5o 7/ Jd..rg!E C>tJG J> .;IS/) 79 ,~_h. /~" ,1~15 1a /~,o ;".50 0 79 q,gS ~ - ~. .JJ27~~ . ~ W A~ElI;f .l.t Sorn hI. <:;:(;rn '1.3 i; 9,_K c I f' IU/J., .~ I/ln -25 () ~~ 4~t i'! 3(, It 5dO It ~-()(J LOT SEC. 'LX. TWH. RGE. __ap~..;}4 SPACE .-.."I\GRICULTURE /) --2fe>.tl.,;.::i:i ~/".-. {~ ...1R ?? " ID212.1,"Y'I'2. '"t,;~~ fil1"'!:I('>+,~ t:\_h n-f I1nvT. T.n+. .1 R~ 1'fl!:1""\f ot:;O r._n ., :.,..' '~,1T 1f~;.~:. ... Formerly: Tracts 5-6 of Kerrls Hood Canal Waterfront Tracts S 165' of N 825' of Govt Lot 4 and S 1651 of N 990' of Govt Lot 4 . I ;/' ..... .~ .-'::i\f"-''-~ ...... ~ ~ -'-:,::.~, ,:. I I I . ;; _~'"'' _~;~ J8;Olmp'O"d Improved TOTAL r I Oyder limbor Unimproved Improved lmproYllmlllf, 8. of E. (SuiJdin9$1 VALUE 7Ju h. J~5'"t)() /bsod M '1, 3~ f.3s - {!. Zl. h'jtJ 6 ~<J %'-/ 7n.t. ~ /65'oeJ 1(, ..s-c2 C1 - N !"Z,I, 700 7C1C/ '?is rnu.1!R. f- / to~tJO /(P500 'is Q,35 q,;iS 1'/. > &CfD t/iO -- ----- -- - -1-- ---- I - ----.. ----- ---- -- 1___- -- -- -.- -~--- --- ---. -- --- --- .---- ----- 1------ ~ . 1-- - ---- - -- ----- I -.-- I , . I I VALUATIONS