HomeMy WebLinkAbout322181200010 r- " Year File No. I NAME of OWNER I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS d5'1' I SALE PRICE Rd, Sch..Port PUD !-EfQ... I , T382?) 52 158899 Fred H. Kerr 2 'f03 T 3 8 L H 56 165831 Jerry Peters & Glenn SundstroD J!/ --L ~ IT" 3- ..L L iL :It./t,t..,.1'3- - oe., 69 244932 Frank Roi et ux 70C cr?R~~~~ W. VI. Yon"". I ~- 7/ 1-",7' "'/1/ ~ Z7U~Z;; I 0<5/> I , 9/72 273140 Lva II G. Youn~~ a I 7," #32888 (see' bac k l.La2 4027rrr . 'I-<>!5'".:i'f-({ e!!.,,__ 0+ ,"v (I ' ';~oH.)~ II ""6 ""6"'7-,/1' ~t?/) - " I I '. "-.. ~ NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Year [ Oyder I Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber I Unimproved I Improved lmpl'ovemenls I B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE - 13'1 'IJ? 4ff /5' /~ 5" &0 .;< .;/0 5:;;, /S /&S- /</0 ,3;;;"0 5L. /.5 /1/:,::; 3::;- .;z/6 .91 d,f df IS /~.; '17~ //-.5:;- 1.1 - /65 97s //~o /1 /3;;<0 /OOb ..73;;1~ I.i. '5% /tf,~o I!~O 30,/0 (,." dtJ&O /1/;;0 35"00 ,." ~ ~.// !:l -^ .... D/;'_ 7tJ~ 0 ~I ;.;$70 ...';;G_ /.5d1;60) IJ~ , .- ~Q/~ 15336 111 1/0"'% ., 1- .~ . <7i~o 3atkJ ~ ';<~:250 ?~~ 33 <j3CJ d,P/l I/..RIJ 'lC:.R7.s 1'}"1P<. +-- ,,~jN.. 14 eo A.'p<f; '76,fo 339s6 , LOT SEC. BLK. TWN. RGE. , 02'Z. \, ~f' (z 'o:o~q,!t..rn ~""<"l""+c! 1_0 i.f' ~I'"lv+ T,I'"lt: d f.. ft'l"'...... at;n "Rv t;_'W -- "-..1R ?? _ J1--..,.,/ .;;. ,.. --:-_~ ~.""'l Formerly Trs. 1-2 of Kerr's Hood Canal Waterfront Tracts '.,. N 165' of Govt Lot 4 and-S..165, of N 330' of GovtLot-4~ ~'h..-<-f4fJ-"" -1'..... 'S1o--VV' "1 ,..-'-"--11 t,. n..u"____.... ~~ " , Under Court Case #9751 - W. W. Young VS Jerry A."Peters et al The description of property called Tract 2 of Kerr's Hood Canal Waterfront Tracts is the N 165' of Govt Lot 4. As prorerty formerly knovm as Tract 1 of Kerr's Hood Canal Waterfront Tracts is non-existent; this' assessment record will show Tracts 1-2, Section 18, Township 22, Range 3 as having the legal description of the N 165' of Govt Lot 4 c~~ J.f J/:a..t'_ u.~____ ....;;; ,,;, Y: C-Atc" t.3. I-i~ .,.:I/-~ ~ dcfd( 61 ~d I- .-~~" ::'..'~- ~- -- ---.-- ,/ CF f15/ Q '-'<LI :Ju.(, f-<.<t:A... ,. "'J ;). '1'1'1 s Z- \ 11 ;2stf 7'! (,'('f) /0:, '-' _ SC-k.....( 1.~ -&, ""~ ~< J \ 1> ( J,) 1"5"/ r hri-/ /J.~ 2..3 {-> '-<=t:Ir /,., r....tC L,. ~""" J /-uv, 's '1 0' ~'"' ,.J...,"""'-c ('P w, ()J . d <""^ "2 . etal: Lyal I G. Young - undiv. 1/2 into Norton B. Young - undiv. 1/2 into (unrecorded contract 1% #60749 was for Lyall's 1/2 int.) IIr.... .oj - - 1Mr I O)'1tllf limber I unlmprovea lmprovea IUIAI.. uyner limo., unlmproveo lmprov.a (Buildings) I VAlUe ~ ----- -- ~1.9d 4, 90 /d:z.50() ,;211'-10 1~.3I..<.{c --- .- -----.. ---. --- I -----... --- L_ - 1.._- -- I -- -.- ---.- --- - - -- ._-~.- ----- .. . 1-- -- - - -- I -. ! I i i -