HomeMy WebLinkAbout322144300050 ,...- '"""'Ill Year r-F~-l---.------;;AME of OWNER Rd, 5th. 11.t;lrt DISTRICTS PUO I fPo I -I 3 8 :z.G'i I SAlE PRICE CO NTRACT TO 74 F. M. Sch il t er ~L1W5l:JO- WA.29_002_L o ,tJt; .2hm 2 40 T L H 1/39614 K>'le W. & l1Wi:illL~~ e WQ!'=162,50 J'/ IlrfaJ'/3 JiiL 1--1 _n____ _.______ ,_.__ , --f-------. f-- .~ --- -- . .;,;,.. ......-; . ----. ~,t" NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemelltl! B. of E. - (Building,) VALUE 1l --- -. 1.'79 /''79 /'790 /790 7~ 175'0. , "17..5"0 Ji (!.o 1'790 /?10 ff1 /. 7~ ).79 h7SD ~ 7S-0 -. - - - - u_ 1--- . -- --- ---- . - -- ._f--. . - - I LOT SEC. BlK. lWN. RG.. ..:5{, 594-1 14 22 3 Tract 5 of SW SE A ptn of the S 1/2 of the SW SE 14-22-3W.W.M. & of the NW NE 23-22-3W.W.M. daf: Commenc i ng at the NE corner of the S' 1/2 of the SW SE Sec. 14; th S 00 53' 59" W 468 alg the Eline of sd SW SE to an existing steel hub which marks the SE corner of the parcel sold to Helen Allen by instrument fi led under AF#271576 which is the TPOB; th S alg the Eline of sd SW SE 192' + - to the S I ine of Sec. 14; th continui~g S alg the Eline NW NE of sd Sec. 23, 200' + - to the NE corner of parcel sold to Wal lace H. & Bessie C. Potucec, H&W, th W alg the N I ine of sd Potucec parcel 375' +- to a steel hub marking the NW corner of sd Potucec parcel; th N to the section I ine between Sec. 14 & 23; th NWly 200' +- to a steel hub in the center of the private road marking the SW corner of the Allen parcel above referred to; th E alg the S I ine of sd Allen parcel to POB. (See Tract 3 NW NE 23-22-3W.W.M. .for all of ai I of this description) -= 1".< ,-- ._,',0 ~ ~