HomeMy WebLinkAbout322142000000 Year FU. No. NAME or OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ,757 SALE PRICE) Rdo Scho Pori PUO FPo - - - - ~ 10g'Pi'! R. W. Cady Jr. 2 20 T l L SF - "~! ..i& ;< d.Q. L il.. X L 1L . 5'" <;(J() :l &i -'- l- ii L .3. . DESIGNATED 7.3 .(77711 R.ld (~L '('0 ?L, ;(,,(r - Q !?f .L ~ L ~ L L 1L .. " 0' .;;- - - o' , . - - - - - I- " '0 - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - ---e,. -~ - ----...~-------_...._--------- -- ---- --~- - --- --- - -- - -- - -- - -- ---- ..---- ,-- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS ,-- . / ~ Year Oyster TImber Unlmprovod Improved _ TOTAL .oyster Timber UnImproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE SA 4Lo 4Lo ~Ot:J ...2...00 .55.. 33. f3 .33'13 /'/0 /70 'l'; ,33 9'g , "1,1]5 d?00 .2~() 61. 33t'13 . 33.:!3 4ofi)' 4-0=0- (p~ 3 t,/l1 .;26. '" 1 .3/S" ~/~. I- ~ 7'/(07 .2J1.o'l ?tf;<" R.?';;: 14:- 91->0 "100 ~ ~o 5'1/' /d .vI) /,,;? t!)(; k1 74{tJ7 /I~? -0 .;l1otJ ,;J.7HJ ~ J~M -30Do 2!L .S '7, ? ;2 t7d '7;2 dZJ 7L - .2 / {, 3t!J ~/I..5',., 7/ n- .;, d> t, 72012 7.20<') 7,R DESI ~NA "Fn tl?,,5 /O??O 7,?.;< ;;- 13 3'14/1 '700 Lf 2' %^ . ~_o LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. RGE. ~22 '3 OOiEIiJ:di ~O ~O~ Lots2- ~ & 4~-- DESIGNATED .s c.r/ ;r ..... ........ ..# /,'/ / ,.-:>; 0 ,) J dO';;;.5 (- ~jJ. yW' ~ "J~'"oL4' -3 - ~,!.~ A' __ * Exc. -'i':r- ,~.ItL.. '" Df/tV ~ ..?~-0-~ /(Jj"".t.~ . ~ -- - 9'-rrf~()J1tur~) ......... ..... ., - _I I .- -.;;;r.:;~;_:----- -=-"- c,.=~~ I I I j ,._---...:.." NUMBER OF ACRES I 1 VALUATIONS '1'7. 9.9 Year Oyster Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oysfer Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemenh B.ore:. (Buildlngl) VALUE tJ~ iJES IGNJ ~TFn '1./1':0 -g1 LtJ-O% oZ5'o 5" ~&.s- ' . '1~ !ll/,,{) '7 .;;.J>/O ';<cf / [) ~ q//JO 3/()/) ..3'1So ,3 7:S~ 'It' 35'75 - ?Jt!Ls. 79 '71-./J7 'Jrf,07 _ B/;'R.o t3b.9o .@. 3 7'~.5 .3 5'C:,E) 'ill 114,07 ?t/-d) 7 I'-I-IK'O q.1.Po x::l- DES., i'OBES7' 7'107 7'107 7g3:'- {.L/I) 75'3.5'" X''3 7775 ;lo 5'/0 777:;- EN 7 Fib,) .:< 0:;/ . 7%5"'0 ""{" iiO'-i . ) lias- I . - Year FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRICEl Rd. Beh. Port PUO FPo #15$0) - - - - - 60 /cfs-/.2tJ R. W. Cady, Jr. L. res1ey Gill 2 20 T '3 L ~p $8,310 M ;Z ;}.o / .3 g L 7 ~ iP.2 II 3 g l- I I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.~,,:.,...._., ~ - --------- -".-.-. ., _.......~ ..._ ......~.J... ~ - -- - .-.,."...,. -----.- _...~~ .~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS V..r Oyator Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oylter Timber UnImproved Improm Improvemenb B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE .3'.3St 7'""t7 {J .L/ (J~' - ~ ~,}.$ 0 !d. -- /t). st.J: ItJ.cJl PO rO I- :J.. ~ . C I LOT BLK. tT.Dl f ; ; ; i 0 SECo TWN. ROE. ~IL ?? < rr,...,q f"'t. ? n, r,.rYl:rt. T.nj- ~o -- I, ,~ MAr.r.TR T AXE #'), ~/,---~-~/ "" II"" ... Beg at theN\<f corner of section 14; th N $9039'36" E a distance of 1260.65' to an existing fence and I.P.; th S 7005'19!' W along an existing woven wire fence 1516.29'; th S 47007'03" E along fence 419.59'; th N 79010'15" E along fence 1136.0$' j th S P29'47" 1'/ along fence 410.$$'; th N $9042'3$" E algon fence 1$5' to E line of NW~; th S 0004'05" W along Eline 692.15' to ~ boundary of NW~; th S $9045'44" W along S boundary 470'; th N 0004'05" E $43.74'; th S 79010'15" \<f, $9$.19'; th N 47007'03" W 675', more or less, to \<fly margin of a relocated road; th N 11040' E 200', more or less,; th N 20 E 465'; th N 7045' E 600'; th N 150 E 300' to a point on N line of section 14, said point being N $9039'36" E 965' from NW corner of sec.14; th N $9039'36" E 295.65', more or less to I.P. . -,..'- *Ex. prt platted (Maggie Lake) Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS Rd. 6ch. Port PUD FPD ~~E;~C~ 55 155350 W:.. M. Clark et we 55 155353 L. Presley Gill et we .idL 2 202'-.2._ L SF ,!,- b---o 0 "'" 0)- ---- ;;2 .;10 I /I,~ J' L~ I;{ ~I.L l-K I- 1.1i -1--- -f-- --f-- -- -----~------------------~---------------------------------------.._- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS /" Year Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved ~ Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved Improvomenlt B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE ~ "1'13 '193 &,(") !no .fl 9,'9'1 '7:.93 go J'(j il ISO /. .f>cP /0 /D 4~ ~ ~ - L..l1.. 22 0:1) ; Tr. 1 of Lot~.. "'.ill J..;j. LOT SEC. BLK. TWN. RGE. iU '3 MAGGIE LAKE IF'), ...... r- ""II All those portions of Govt Lots 2, 3 and 4, Sec. 14-22-3, which lie E., NEly and N. of following described line. over and across said Govt Lots 2-3-4 Bgn at intersect of N. line of said Govt Lot 2, with Ely R/w line of existing County Rd. which said point of intersect is 150 ft, mil, W. of the NE corner of said Govt Lot 2; Thn SWly to a point on S. line of said Govt Lot 2, which ~s 300 ft. W. from the SE corner of said Govt Lot 2; Thn SEly across the NE corner of said Govt Lot 3, to a point on E. line of said Govt Lot 3, which is 300 ft. S. from NE corner thereof; Thn NEly across said Govt Lot 4, to NE corner of said Govt Lot 4. Also all that portion of said Govt Lot 4, described as the E. 185 ft. of the N. 400 ft. thereof, excepting therefrom, however, all that portion of the last above described tract which is included therein. Also all after acquired title to all second-class shorelands situate in front of, adjacent to, or abutting upon Govt Lots 1-2-3-4, said Sec. twp and range. ~. ,~ if*Ex. prt platted (Maggie Lake)