HomeMy WebLinkAbout322137590060 r- "Ill Year I ~ile No. -r---'-h-..----;AME of OWNER 67 24169 Anna K. ---~_..-. 276787 2/nlli84J- .1/76,21776 - 3/77 ,25566 6/7! 345374 ----....------.--.. 6/78345418 ----.------. ~tJ 38S0'I7 ~('(.27/.3..3 :5;# Quiring lOW DISTRICTS :z. 5 7 Rd. ~1!2!L PU!?.I fPO I 1 2' 403 T 3 8 L H tt-3il~7d4iJ}fi Richard B. earn be 1 w~ iL.$/li2_ #38000 Dox CONTRACT TO SALE OR ICE Jean P. & Ros ~ , . Richard.. A. Fr it s I",,,., ~512"ld , ~ D .'N' Danny R. Schni ze I""", iF677Jo Rainier Evergr en, Ir . 1."10 #57'lrt'i- e;.t,..C\.. .cJJ..A.",,-,.~M .,I::;,7//'lfn /1 v '/ --.. I" v 3 n I U '#j-7.:zytb x I "'d.1 "T If.b....J:L. ~~-"'~,~..5.# .J e: e NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS C. P.o Ye,,' Oyster limber Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Order Timber Unlmprovfld Impro'led Improvemonts B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUe 'lL. -- 5;.31 Sdl ;1~_5' .;).{ ;>'5 ~ J S ::J75 - /.3:;), 7S .s:.~1 .$;3 ( dO ,.;lj<:2S .;? /.:i',s- Jl ;R"1'r .5:"t1? ."5; tJ '7 Zt'J.-";,., 2o~o 81- 5.Ci? 5tJ,"/ - /"0t/-5 - . /t'Jhd.~ - - ---- - - - -- - - - - - - LOT SEC. BLK. TWN. RGE. Iill!ill \317 ~-:~~-,O~0-,,:r.oJ Tracts 6 .& 7 of Survey 4/142. ex* Sl-. :> fl ; (.,. ", 13 22 3 FORMERLY: (Tract 6 of Survey 4/142) <I fo//r All that ptn. of the S half of the SW quarter of Section,13-22-3, described as follwos: I / / / ~/ / ,- Beginning at the SW corner of Section 13; th~nce N 00013'36" E 774.37' to the pob, thence N 00013'36" E 108.44'; thence,S"85026'09" E 1644.62!-;'-thence S 52015' 10" E 300;; thence S 37044'50"/W'I-49.25'; thence N 52;15' 10" W 300'; thence N 84049'04" W 1554.83"to the pob. Tgw road easement over E 60'. . ~- New description per MCTICo.: A tr of land in the S 1/2 of the SW 1/4 I 3-22-3W.W.M. , daf: Commencing at the SW corner of sd Section 13; th N 00 06' 52" W alg the W line thereof 774.37'; th S 850 09' 32" E 1017.08' to POB; th continue S 850 09' 32" E 537.68'; th S 520 35' 44" E 300'; th N 370 24' 16" E 298.50'; th N 520 35' 44" W 300'; th N 860 42' 29" E 547.33' tap N 370 24' 16" E from POB; th S 370 24' 16" W 280.94' to POB; excepting road r/w. I'es (i,....c. O~ Sp..+ /2.. 20 e-"--- ~- ~ ~ ~ -- -- ~ ~=- - - - -~~--_.~~....-~ -- - ...----0 ~~. ) ~. ...-.. EXCEPT: Trs 6-A & 7-A of Survey 4/142 ;it'1'02.7/33 SH- 4.P /'.;;..7"6 JC'~ ~>--~ -tj--~(Q C~-At ... ...4