HomeMy WebLinkAbout322137590030 r' "III Y-.or --F~-r------------ NAME of OWNER --- 67 224168 Anna K. Quiring lflrv') --276847 .-- UU2Z6l81_ 11/7 321776 3/77 325566 6/78 }~~~~_______ 6/78 }.45418 f%// 3.f'5o'lj' %~- Jj.;/7J:33 S:;?J,- CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ::.> '0,7 Rd. !!!:.:..Il?!L ~1l!!L~1 2 ~3 T 3 18 L _L SALE PRice /J(Jl]i) D<. D lean P. & Ros Richard A. Fre;tas Danny R. Schni. zer Rainier EvergrEen, In . P.-+'-. Ij. ..tfJh' ~ I'() , " v "2/ / :;" i""" i 8 H 1PiYt5'l1~WOlJl ~ tL!!flIj &5(K)'D . 1'''''''1.."",,,,,,, '. IfI"i"!f("{)o 'nM /1<57710 I ,JIFP IF 5 no"} , ~ 7//5'.t, ",. " <i .P;;'dL9G (Se.,5"c.t:) ~. /....iL .. " - . - :..-..-- ..... -'. "'~- -",Jit --..:...---,--.-....- - -~.__.. "._'<l' - -...e. .f, NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS .Pt? Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved . TOTAL L Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. . (Building'!) VALUE 'lK -- ~,31 $~!JJ ;;;'/~ ~/.:l.s '/~ 1J/;2"i!5 /.5''::<7; ,Je, S3 j .s~J CO .:J /.;JS' ';</Ol.$" -, ~J<(-J S:Z.1 s;: ,_ 7 rJL 2//0 2//0 g''J.. ---- .s:.2.7 $,27 //ot,5 / JOke; --- --- , ---- - -- -- --- - - - - - - < - -' '0';"'" lOT BlK. SEC. TWN. RGE. :3 11 22 . 3 Tracts 3 & 40f Survey 4/142ex* FORMERLY: (Tract 4 of Survey 4/142) ~ ~1 I .. All that ptn. of the S Ha I t.of the.' Sw quarter of Sect ion/I 3-22-3, descr i bed as fOIIOWS:/" / ./. / / ./ / Beginning at the.SW corner of Section j3;~thence N 00013'36" E 514.27' to the pob; thence'N 00013'36" E 138.15'; thence S 84~38'58" E 1463.96'; thence S 520 15' I O~ ( 300'; thence S370 44' 50" W 149.25'; thence N 520 15' 10" W 300' ; thence N,85007'59" W 1371.71' to the pob. Tgw road easement over W 60'. New Description per MCTICo.: A tr of land in the S 1/2 SW 1/4 13-22-3W.W.M., daf: Commencing at the SW corner of sd Section 13; th N 00 06' 52" W alg the W I ine thereof 356.43'; th S 860 54' 29" E 841 .86':to POB; th continue S 860 54' 29" E 548.63'; th S 520 35' 44" E 300'; th N 370 24' 16" E 298.50'; th N520 35' 44" W 300'; th N 840 59' 27" W 536.68' tap N 370 24' 16" E from POB; th S 370 24' 16" W 320.23' to POB; EXCEPTING road r/w. '1'"es ~ ol-"B 0-9 S.p.~ 12:2-1 "'-::'-~.=' ""...~~! ..~........u...._ - ..-.'=--"'.~:':-~-'- , ."~-~' -~-"-,~- ~- ~=."'~'~:_~"'; K Except: Trs. 3-A & 4-A of Surv. 4/142 ./J .P /' d)..f''';' /J ~ r Wd-tL.-:... e C",-4. -47 -# ';/c>J7/33 .s#. K~ ~~ ~ ~