HomeMy WebLinkAbout322137500150 r- ., YMr --~-T-__,m_----;;AME of ow~_. .- li7 1?2.4~~nn" K Q"irin" Il'roc.; W_:LruML~f-_ Uil.~~2 I Tl_ 6 ~132SS66 Si11L..1'237L_ 51.78 _!!.2.-4.lL_ )I'O~?8'1:567 --=-_. %'/ '1.;1113.i..5.#. Rd. Sell.ll>:lrt DISTRICTS PU~I fPD I 3 18 L H I /..5-; I SALE PRICE CONTRACT TO 8KIJO 2 403 T R i r ha t:<LB_,_Cami .M..l Jean P. & Rose an Door Richare A. Fre ta, Dannv R. Schni z~r Raini'er Everqr ~ In-. },yfi..;n)J. U. L .-;f-,," '\ h ,/J if / Itfo 0 '1~3 ,f L H rriN:J17 ~ ~7 I<ICJ{W . ..." 1f6CD5:?> II ?lJlk?c . -'.2!jtJ "'fl.J<Dt. 1'90 I '.... 1/.5780., v <i;;q~~9~:p '1i.87.;J~7 s,spA... :;' s# , - -- - - -'.,-- .------,- .- -. ~,t" NUMBER OF ACRES L VALUATIONS '~.R..t;J Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster limber UnImproved Improved Improvernlnt, D. of E. (Buildings) VALUE lE.. ---- f-" S3/ 5:31 ::U,.< 51- ';;;'/.25" ?l /3:2'751- /3,27$ 1i S;S.I S.a / e,o ~/~.s- ;:u <<S' ~- 5.3/ s'.n It,,? tJ l'?tJo 0 - ._---- ---- -- - -- -'- --- ---- - --- -- LOT SEC. BLK. TWN, os.. /3 22 3 ~3~1.5\Olol/~~ Tract IS"of Survey 4/142 ~.J ':'."'P 'J5 , ~ <Tract 15 of Survey 1/142) ft 5/r AI I that ptn. of the S half of the SW quarter of SEction 13-22-3, described as follows: Beginning at the SW corner of Section 13; thence S 89007'23" E 1423.46' to the pob; thence N 37044'50" E 970.80'; thence S 00007' 10" E 776.76'; thence N 890 07'23" W 596.00' to the pob. --~- ~-.. " --- .- - -----,.-- ':":--~= _.~_.-. - - '-=-- -- -~ t;(. ,!J?2.77 f/ ./~70,Y oJ#" /~ ~~ fk.. q }~- (" l~ E<>-t.. ~ ....