HomeMy WebLinkAbout322137500081 r- ., Yeer r File No. -r-~-'-- NAME of OWNER I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ;::l'5l SI\LE PRICE Rd. ~1.~l)rt P:TPD I I , - "'., ZlfrW . ^--" K QJliring /tJlf'D ...L ~.,,~ ... ~ r ul IF 3J{.!R1IMo<'Pc 2JJ..1 .:1.26_81+1 .. ^ .....^' I"M _I-- /.Ow 1L..~;p n/7 321776 Jean P. & Ras Dc '" . '" !i'ffDOO ar ""'" :5~ - --- 0 3/77 325566 Richard A iTe I..~c w'"' i<'61')''7J - ~LZ~ .J~2~Zi.. Schr,; SSCJco -- Dannv R. ;ze. w'" ~571')O 6/78 >-~4?418 . Rainier Evergr tfl14 T" , Wo'p ~!?D'7 -~tJ 1}~5"~ff I/CL.L /J '" J< -eA I^ , ,7//91' . I", /u. IV'''' ,( VilA <-.t:q 1h<! 1.:J. 713;3 s#-- "lh7J"V ,C( 'r j?f I I/~~ I 3 J? L 1/./ 'dJ'7.zF~ - GJp~'" s... . " .-.. -.---.-- " .- ". -L. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS h.?t2 Vellr I Oyster Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder Timber Unimproved ImprovlId Improvemtnh I 8, of E. VALUE (BuildinQsl - 7$ 5:3/ 5,3/ .;U :lS- ~E: --- '7'1 /q~t;~ /.E~7S- titi 5.3/ .sa I (!..o ,;:U.R.S ;1/'.:2$ ~1 ~E6f g. 35 %.3-5 3,040 ~3;j-o !,2 17;:;30 /'75~n - ----- -- --- ---- --1--- i LOT BlK. SEC. TW!II. 13 22 3 ~l~~/)~l'] Tract 58-A. 9'::A & ,Q:A of Survev 4/142 </72.'/' -"'0____ ".. RG~ FORMERLY: <Tract 9 of Survey 4-/142) E/. SI;'l AI\ that ptn. 0'fThe S half of the'SW quarter of (seCZion 13-22-\3, described as \1 lows: / \ I \ ,\ l Beginning at/the SW cor:ner of ~ection I,?; thence N 000\13'36", E 1067.22' to the P6,P; theflce N 00013',36" E 7,9.05'; thence S 88047' 37,\ E 1912.89 \; thence SI520 15~.o"/E 300'; then'c~ S 37044'50" W 1'4?.25}; thence f'{, 5~015' 10'\ W 300'; thence N 8'7030'31" W 1823.13V"to the pob. TgwJoad easement_over E 60.!./ New description: A tr of land in the S 1/2 of the SW 1/4 13-22-3W.W.M., daf: Commencing at the SW corner of sd Section 13; th N 000 06' 52" E 979.84' to POB; th continue N 000 06' 52" E 238.29'; th S 890 29' 27" E 2003.47'; th S 520 34' 44" W 300'; th S 370 24' 16" W 447.75'; th N 520 35' 44" W 300'; th N 860 42' 29" W 1733.80' to POB; EXCEPTING therefrom that ptn lying Ely of the fol lowing described 1 ine: Commencing at the SW corner of sd Section 13; th N 000 06' 52" W 1218.15'; th S 890 28' 27" E 1436.83' to POB of sd line; th S 370 24' 16" W 414.52' to the terminus of sd line. .-. - --. .~. c' . . ~ .,A-.,-_", c- .- .. - ~..- .. - ,~~~~ ;E'r'Z7/~3 /,< ,?7~7G S?- ~~~~ c4- z;;- i-uu&h.,. C'~ _4e.zy .... .... r ""l Year --F~-r-4M'~-' NAME of OWNER --- 67 22169 Anna K. Quiring 2/73 ]l~jl' __ "h ~~11-"1&. 3/77 325566 6/78 }_~~~& _ 6/78 345418 r;;.-;;~t7 __. CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ~ -;, 7 Rd, $el1. I Pori PU~ fPD I I 2 4O~ T 3 8 L H i SALE PRICE I.." _L -~ R~ crean P. & Ros Do.r lRiehard A. Fre tas panny R. Sehni zer ~inier Evergr en, In . /J./-{1. #1. Ii. . ~ j \.. 1\ v .!1f-L 4-A 7~.i ,f? L H 4T:'J{?>'77 IJ..~ tM'!!Q7~tJ[){)t; . , .~. ~itJDC ~ ~oul ... 1<.td'/I'517Jo . lum< 1t'5111~ . -#-7 //~ 1..-/9'') "m. ..c~ ~..., I VALUATIONS , NUMBER OF ACRES Timber I Unimproved I Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improyed Improvem.nh B. of E. (BlJildinQs) VALUE - 1'i ---- --- .5:3J 53/ ::U;J. 5 :;( I ::lS 1'/' J,!Jd ,.,~ "- /~7S" ~ &;.3 J ...s;:.3/ C',-J ;;U ;1-,,> .:::v'dlS 12_ .~ 1/ ~3' //j~t2 // /S4 x~ f) ~ /"' ,--.. - I ./ .5!F~ 74;;. ? qj It. . S.. /2 4///t:2- ,. --- - _. - - e--- -------------- - - -. - i ".~ ~. LOT BLK. I SEC. TWN. RGE. _13_22_3 j'rac_t,_lO_of.Surveyu 4/142 5:;'''. ,'\ <Tract 10 of Survey 41'142) tt ~/;9 AI I that ptn. of the S half of the SW quarter of Section 13-22-3, described as follows: Beginning at the SW corner of Section i3; thence N 00013'36" E 1146.27' to th pob; thence N 00013'36" E 71.88'; thence N 89049'58" E 2003.56'; thence S 52015' 10" W 300'; thence S 37044'50" W 149.25'; thence N 52015'10" W 300' ; thence N 88047'37" W 1912.89' to the pob. Tgw road easement over E 60'. " ,_.~_ 0.-- _ = - .-..--=- - - . r"jo. ~ ~ :./ ..... ..,oj