HomeMy WebLinkAbout322132100100 . DISTRICTS ~'t;q Yur FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE! Rd. Soh, Port PUD IFPD .1l.nn~n - - - - - -/ 69 244602 Fairview Estates, Inc. J.A.Bishop 2 403 .-! 3 ~- ~ H $1500 /~ ~;~:!;;~--. !J.d:. /3A...Ji) 6:::'"_ ~ 1"36f P - - - - II};; '2 ~ .;It:; 'JC/ IlA j __ . ;;.'1' J ~$?'k ~ Pi.. !., - '7 ~. (')~....--- .=) - - - YN6j,6j 91 L 1M L ,L L L ff - - - - l - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - ----... :-.....:_--- .,J,.:flrV (....".,. . ~ ~.' --:-:---7~:--=-=:"=~~.:----="""-==---'-'=~-"-""-:.~~"'~-7~=.:''''~:, ~r;.."''''''''~ NUMBER OF ACRES r- V ALUA TlONS Y.ar Cyd., Timber Unlmprovod Improvod TOTAL Oydet Tlmblr I U,'m"",d Improvtcl lfnprovementJ B.ofE. (Bulldlnas) VAl.UE Jt 7J' -1t' .3S~ ~t'J . ~ r '9.' "" /J/J 1/ tJ /) .'" , 0 11. V.s:--1'/.J /53a ~ /67.-" /675 I/"'Q~ 335'0 3-'~~ ~ :E~tJO 3t:.IJo ,79 ~'7!! S-Obt:! ,:S2JDB 2!- ,c,o .36tJ(!2 36Cio g~ , 711 .N 1,000 toco . I LOT BLK. IEO. TWN. RGE. '~/13:2-:/'O~_9~~ n 22 "i Tract 10 of NE NW r ..I .. /0 Beginning at theNW corner of NE 1/4. NW 1/4. 8ec 13 . thence 8 40020'06" E 562.25' to center line of Tahuya River Road; then ce 8 P17' E 75.00' along said center line; then ce continuing along said center line 8 22013' W SO.OO'; thence als~_ continuing along said center line 839043' W 97.00' to the true point of beginning; thence 8 35013' w 90.00' thence 8 88016'53" E approx. 481. 2' to center line of Tahuya River; thence NEerly along cent er line of Tahu- ya River to a point wnich is 8 88016'53" E approx. 486.6' from the true point of beginning; thence N 88016'53" W approx. 486.6' to the true point of beginning; except Tahuya River Road. . , ~.- . ---~-~ .~-"'. __--,-c :-......... "~