HomeMy WebLinkAbout322127590011 ~ Ye~'1 -File ~:'-r---'~-"-"'--------N~~ OWNER-'--~- I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS:< 59 Rd. I Sch. I p.,,1 PUD '-fPO I I I -- 2 03 -T- 3 -( 8 I L; H #487 (9 . ]~~?;:~~.a~__~i__~I..@ .;1!~;5 /5J!ll. . _ 8/ / '" -r 3[i~ If ~ SAlE PRICf '/76 317644 G.R. Kirk Co. -_..,------- .2L76....R92) 1 IzL :?/ 7111 1 ~--~~~'1'f'1-- " ' " .- Yn.:2.KJ...:I:b1,,~~iLGrWJ~ !i/,(i{,~~.,1b_- -- -.------.-, --.-.---- ..--.--- - NUMBER OF ACRES I I V^LUATIONS -- Ye~1l Oyster Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL r I Oyster Timb.r [ Unimproved I Improved lrnpro...emllnh B. of E. - (BlIlIdlnQs) VALUE - ~---- -- IS-I /.5'/0 ~ /.$""7C I/Jf' .;z ?:2 CJ .-:z 7,;z " ~ /.5'/ /.5'"/ I'/tJo 0 5' o95cJ ~ 'I 'l.!: () I?~ ,r 7-"- -e- 35 z,Ls -1-", .. - 'i'1' /,5'1 I,S/ 1</000 5o'1.!:o ,t/'1~O &1 P/L.J ~ ' fl."'" JS''-/~ er- 3' ~-~.s- --- >-------, ~ - 1/'1000 :5 () 'l56 ,,</"15 D :.-- ,5/ .5L j> {\ < { _=35<1~ g,5'f~ --&- I -- --- --_on "--- I-- ----, 1__- --.... - -- ---- ---.- -.-- ----- -- I- --- - ==l - --- _._un ----- -- - ---- - -j---1 - 1--- -- ,- .,----- -- , I 1 I .-.. .. -.-'!-':.....- ",,-.12 22 3 ~ti7\sl?t~' .. . Tractl-A of Sill:vev 1/138 NWl:r 5s86:C-1 q;; .I, ....-,- LOT SEC. BLK. TWN, RGo. :J,.t., I It 6-( 5 11/ 3 8' (lot 2 of SP # 628) Comm. at the NE corner of NW; thence S 86047'27" W along the N 1 ine of said NW 991. 12' to the pob; thence S 103'21" E 266.10'; thence N 88056'39" E 220.50'; thence N 103'21" W 274.38'; thence S 86047'27" W 220.66' to the pob. ~ ~e'...llI/t<Jr !J J . --::- -- .~. :=--- ~ -=---~ -~- . ..-. - - '- -~_._'- .. ....... ~