HomeMy WebLinkAbout322052000180 YUt -~'-r---.'-'-----NAME of OW~--- f--.- 66 221523 _.2t.D996-c!J9od Gana I Go-OP Associ ation 2L8Jl...TI6ALLI-_ I :ONTRACT TO ,19;700 - DISTRICTS ~ /...l2..- RT-~!!2rt PUO.:rfPD I I I I I , ii, 2 .1Q, _l....l~--U:---i H I ....!1....L'ieJ _L~!. ;,_ILI.1:I_1 M I {~I ,3 i~t=;f f=-- SALE PRICE #7089 ----.--.--1------ -----. -- .-----. f-- -- - I ~_ +-1 - ~ . ~ ~. -~UM8~'R.OF A:R~~--- . I r 1- Improvem./lls Ye." Oyster TImbu Unimproved Improved TOTAL Order Timber Unimproved Impr~ved B. of E. (Buildin9S) VALUE fo 1---.-- -- ,~ ,,:U, 330() /5."/,_,, 1t',pC:, ~ 5(~ '?--~ ,-,...{., //5'00 /-R Ssv ~1%S-1!!) .. - ..- r---- .. -. - -.-- --.- -. - -- I -- -- ----- -- -.--- --.-- -- - 1.__- - -- ---- ----- --- ---- - . --- ---- ----- -..---- - ----- - -- - - . n_ , -. ! i I I I VALUATIONS ~.-- - LOT SEC. BLK. TWN. RGE. S SSe) : /,p 5 22 3 Tract 18 of G:-L. 3 & 4 742.97' West of M.G. G.L. 4 & 1,863.18' South of M.G. G.L. 4. ~~__.7 -.~. -;::r~-r----~-"-'-----NAME of OWNER Go-Op DISTRICTS ,;lSL.. R"l"TSch. I P':lrtPUO-l-f~--r ----j .! I , I I , Assoc i at i on 2 03 T 3 : I L i H i -~-- f------,-- I : -- -r-~I=~ I CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE" 66 221523 ...zW9.96- Hood Cana I ..2180 _2.zf~41.2___ -- -..-.--- ---- #7089 -----; -.--. -- - -~ -----.-1---.- -- ..-- * . --..,.".. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS ~-~. - i- I' I Yeu Oyder TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder Timber Unimproved I Improved Improvements I B. of E. - (Building" VALUE 90 ~l.": c-. ",I ~&, . -;;:tfc ~ / r7 &0 /'FY . - /CJ /V- I . ...<:: .,r , .. p . .. .. ----- ---- -. -. -.--- --- -- - I -----....- .--- --.--- -- 1___- -- ---.. ---.- --- ---- - .==1 .---.- ---- n - }--. - --- --- -. ---- , -._---- ! i ! LOT SEC. BLK. TWN. RGE. I : : :--- - 1 sss" ; /9 5 22 3 T-ract-19-of-G. -1:.-3' &-4 526.38' West of M.G. G.L. 4 & 2,139.64' South of M.G. G.L. 4. l-t:U.Jk /81 .~ . I t' 5:- ~;z- j ~ r I )~A:Z-3 -~-~.- -e. j