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Y.., FII, No. NAME ~WNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 757 SALE PRICEl Rd. Se.. Port PUD FPD /l'd1(tfc .-2/~45"X ~ W~p ../J - I- --5Z Pat J. Gallagher et ux 2 20 T l JL SF - /-IZ- 7' 5 0'3 /s-I#I I(A~ ~A/Zr ~. - - ~an, 60 (,,6 XlhtF d-I R ~r-' '..it) (' ~ ~) .;? 1-03 T ~q L f/ ZL CEZI:4NA TED C.R. j, I ~ }L 7~ --r 3 R K .:(777 II Cn L ~ ..L n I ~ :L .:L ..%... 1. J{ ~& / 11a~ 7.. .3 5 i- H - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l- I---- - - - - --- --~-"'--~- -~---- - --- -'-- -- -.--------- ._-- _._-- - ------ ------------------- _:~- -- - --.---- .'....\ . . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS .,3(".1:2- Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements 8.ofE. (BuIldings) VALUE - 53 3ft.t. , i .1etttJ ,;1..00 ";<'00 -. ~ 'f' f55"" Fcf- v b 5& 3/'&& 3!.j,/,; ";;;'70 ~'70 51 IS7, II IS 7, 1/ II to II,f'o ~ /57./1- /57. 1/ 13o~ 1305 14- IS?o IS?!) ~ ,::2 iZ ~9d,1 /;l,d,1J a . ,._, :--:-:-7-: r/i'!fv At. r~ ~.~: /s7,11 .5071S J,'Jq -;- ~ .. -'\ -- ," 9~~ 5,;2;25' ~ i-ht1 i "//)o /t) 2- ,_'/.\ /;).K'/W .. ;;;..tip ZL /- -11. F? /} ::?/. 7 '17' ZL Cu7f-' .;3~e.- I a.<Zoo / 'd..f'~o Z2. DES1 GW d..-..-- (/7cJlr. gIJ,57,. s" 4";; /2?t,O 13 -- -- 5775 /f]&1 70.'7.5 . , .. - . LO~ BLK. SEC. TWN. RGE. . '~~...l~ !o~o'olo~oTO! NW. OESfGNA TED ,~ ~ 22 3 ~ ,.~ - '- .~.-_._--- , ----~ --'~~---- NE NW - 38.66 acres NW NW - 38.45 11 S~ Nlv _ 80.00 II I- fA tf)w 1953 l200 190 400 ~ '"",, .-,\,\ ,,\ 1956 $290 290 600 "--""IIIIIIII " e:-, " _I I .' I I I I I I I - -~_.. .~.. ~ -----:-" ~:::.-~ N UMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS ~..(3~ Ye"r Oyster Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL LI Oyster Timber Unimproved I Improvod Improvements 8.01 E. (Buildings) VALUE IfJ DES GNA' /ff7..// /~% ~ #-.<.5""' ,.,t:- /s7. I( 5d'A'"o $' ,f,p@ ~ b-fPO ~4J'(]J 1'7 ITR40 V&Pi./t) ?!? H'plo A'"/4CJ ?() /@/,/I /~ ;If.' '7'?9/J ~6?b 8D 8~9o g..; 9() 'ii 11.S7,11 /5'?, II '17./S- 771--5 'l:< DE~ FORES2 /3t'lo /.3 !No j~ I'l-t.?~ 1'I't, I,s- N /57// Is-J. /1 litis- /'YJ"I.s- Z'5- / <lCfn'S /</&.;"