HomeMy WebLinkAbout321363800062 '" .... . DISTRICTS /9/ Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO - SALE PRICE Rd. Sch. Port PUD~I 1 I 402 315 '''77/ 68 Norman W. Castle E.Christensen 1 S L H $6500 . 1;;::;~ '?6. : ~ i1 ) (I..ff.. . A ~_ -- ia1 . , ) ',r /"\ c..-- 0 ..0 7C. - - 1-- - - I-- ''''~;/J A-ill n \ 1 1:./,;/71.5 tZa_ /{) i \, 7./',-,,,._ H ;),fJ.fljA,':T;;;,. ~ I/J.{!.. (1/- Zi~f.J'~ ~T^ , 1%5 </- 't,.J../,/ &n,-k6. ,Jf~a-n/ _ "!;/j:. ~" ""YJj. t j~ 6" c., I. ,I ti '13 J3<? ;..7- O~h (j I I , I ! I , , I ..,~ ~- ; - ~ . .' I NUMBER OF ACRES ~I VALUATIONS Year I Oyster nmber J Unimproved Improved TOTAL Timber I Unimproved i Improved Improvements I B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE - t41 ,?"'o , '10 &'0 /'2/l/J 1:<&,6 Ji I ~5tJ /2/1(') /-,/.6'tJ "1v , :X ,~(') ,"'i~N/ ...L.....-Cf't) ,,;. "7 'TO 1J -e- -e ~ lA I ..;- n n .;;</f9o .-:z '7 '7 (;) ?2 ---e- ..Q. B>>- 73 4'/J(} J~9/J ,.:;z9~o 13 -4-' , -e- -&- 7~ ~ //JO/J 49J:?/\ 59ft) iff -g- +- -G- 7" , .i-I,., ,4-0 ./OfJO .L/79o ,5 f J"o g -#- r9 -& 1& ::;, "'-00 7700 IOd80 1f. I -(}- -0 -eo 17 .. , ';;'560 770 (.J / c ,'.0" -- . , . lOT BlK. 3 liI~lJ;1; t.:3. 8.~,O~O~ Tract 6-B of J.O.Ecler's DoL.C. k"~f - <;,,~ ,. , . SEC. TWN. RGo. ~ 36 21 9'lj!&~ . ~ Beginning a n the N line of NE NW SW , 735' E of the thence S 9"E (Var 22"30' 1, ess to Nlv following said R/W line NEly, 154" a line, 100', more or , LeN line of NE NW SW; thence more 0 , 0 LP. CORRECTED DESCRIPTION: Commencing at a point where the N line of the NW NE SW intersects the Wly R/w line of the existing county road; thence Sly, along said R~V line 5', more or ~ess, to the Nly Rf# line of State Highway 14A (Shelton-Allyn Road) from which point USC and G Bench mark D253, 1944, stands about 40' in a SEly direction; thence following said State Highway R/W line \fly 325' to I.P.; thence continue IVly, along said Nly R/IV line of state highway 154'; thence N 90 IV (var. 22030') 137', more or less, to the N line of NE NlV SW ; thence E, along said N line, 145', more or less, to a point which is NVlly, at right angles to State Highway from the I.P.; thence SEly, at right angles to said state Highway 100',more or less, to I.P. w t cor ection 36; 'ghway 14-A; thence an les to said Highway R/W W along 145' , .....;..~--~---, --~ - .'~ .-:kt~ ~ ... ..<I ~ In .!-- 1=fB-t-fffi .. -L- NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Yellr I Oyster Timber [ Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved lmpro"ern.nts D. of E. (Building1) VALUe 11 Ao .40 ~= ""'" -'S-- -L/ --- 'it SS~eJ, /a.<I/6 I?tfm g;;. -G- -e- -e- .!J3 JIODO 1J''?oo d7 Roo (H '-1-'--- !S-#- 1/9 -PI Cr -G- ?5' ,-- //()()() I!IJbO ;2 q~oo -- 9,<' -r-T. -e- -6- ----- -- - -- -- --. ----- - -- -- - - -- I Y... FI!_ No. NAME of OWNER CONTRAeT TO DISTRICTS 190 SALE PRies Rd. Soh. Port PUO FPO - - - - - ~ Hobson Richards 1 402 S .L ~ L FP ?~ 1/ b_ ,/ J(" . -1 P." d.t-" ..--, ~, '--MD /lIlJh nJ" . /l - - - - 5{<1 eM, dI-- If "'- GZJ1< A. V> --YO (/ 't/ '.PI f1 )j/.?- - - - - - - ?- ~-?33 7() Iz - ^ _~A ., r , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - .-: - ---.:.------- -------------:..- - -- -~-- --;.- - -- :-;_: -:-.------- - _::..-- ::,-_: --;:::-'::'- c_~.-- -- '!:-' NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS - Year Oyster TImber UnimproVed Improved TOTAL OYlter Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE 03 /,t O,t! '-/0, /1 A 200 .:l " 0 5J-' 1/;1 ,cJ/') f-ta,o(') .3' {)(} 3cJO Et. I/O 00 ijO. 00 "?zoo b;z.e>o LII ~ '$/: ,.;1..<0 14.s7Ci 7i; ci2SO /900 14~ 14- ~&IJ~ 4.00 fr I~~~ ~Cc!llZ1 ~ ~ ~~, 16:00-0 ,s-"oo 1;12 , V'lSO 7060 91$0 ~ ~5b' '7 "d(J ?~Sr::;> /00% - /A'J?tXJ /Jb~ . ~ .25.00 .1I.fi' iO~ 1:1$'~ /~G rz!l S'E(Y /SdJ() IS. lKJ 7SolJ 7.so0 <....--- ~-....-. . ~ '---' .. '- ..- ~ flaoL /5 n-", ,,,,,,,.,.f ") ~rJ:_ to-- -4/1, :vf:bl , LOT BlK. ~~'l ;;'1- & /lJG. S[;; ~ SEC. TWN. RGE. - .)- tIlt~;;. NE BElt..' fro ...16,_,_ -21 1 )lX'Y~ r- ........ ~. ' ...............0 --'------. <~~.... . A-, -~--'----"'------""-~;,~.., *EX NE NE SE, S 1/2 SE NE SE, & Trs