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Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRAeT TO DISTRleTS ICJ.F SALE PRleE , Rd. Soh. Port PUO FPO ,- - - ~ 1529 Clara Cecelia Castle 1 W s l L ~ If 2- - ~(, /1 .;{"..... ~....... ~ _.#'..4 -.R (pAAm ~ / ;2b10 JpC.3c I - - - - , - - I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I-- - - - - - - - - - - - - " - - - - I, - - I-- - \ ~ -~-.jF-.-::- ----.:----.:-- -::------- -----:--;:- - -::---- --- ~--'--,- -~ _ ____ ___: _ _ ~ _: _ ~___ ~ __ ~ _::: l__., __..: NUMBER. OF ACRES V ALUA nONS You Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved Improvemenh B. of E. (Bulldlnas) VALUE n, 7 I Y' /'-/-o 50 7.30 1,;l,cJ .2J 1 / g ';90 .50 7.30 9(,.0 j~J If' 0 $'0 lao 0&0 .,-c:: 7.()o ;;nO %. () rJ 1,10 So 13C1 qt:.,,,.) ~/ 7,&-0 j,iJV Ko-o /~o S-o 93S //6S- tM. 4/- I-:?~b::l -3. 00 /-00 Jf DC) tfo 50 135 /065' '3 '?t::> 5"0 -@- /.3C> "' ...; ~% /11117' ~,t} /60 L,'i ,; 15" ;?~&j , _?-,t' 0' /00' IA c:'(~' 0 ,;} .d ~ ~ :i ~ 1#"",,-,) ~t!7 d' 1f' ,- ,<:1X p~o J?t:'JC) 'M fOt:) 200 1& ~f~ _C7~ /~ /c#.s- 0 d.~30 ;;;:((,,-3D LOT BlK. SEC. TWN. RGE. ""-. ~"'i<.. .." t -:> qW q~ NW lI: 0,.-;. j~ r;". ---~ "lIIIIl - , i'~. .;, Ex. R/W Tr. 1-,;z-3 . e-.